31 mars 2010

Cow head

For centuries, rumors have circulated in Japan about a ghost story so horrific that people die of fright soon after hearing it. The dreadful tale — known as “Cow Head” — appears to date back at least to the early 17th century. Several known written accounts from this era make reference to the awful story, but they merely mention its title and describe it as a tale too terrible to tell.

Pink Tentacle

29 mars 2010

English drunkards of the early 20th century

Here's a set of mugshots of "habitual drunkards" scooped up in Birmingham's enforcement of the 1902 Licensing Act. Their images were distributed to pub owners along with the instruction not to sell them alcohol. The accompanying bust-cards enumerate their professions and crimes -- "woodchopper/prostitute," "polisher/prostitute," "tube drawer" and "grease merchant" all feature.

Bizarrely, Ancestry.co.uk asserts a copyright over these public domain images taken by the police over a hundred years ago.


25 mars 2010

Samoan Octopoid Scrotum Death

The 12 Biggest Ripoffs in America

Many of us feel ripped off in our day to day spending, so much so that bringing up even a single rip-off story in a group of people is likely to trigger a flood of them from everyone else. Whether it’s at the movies, in restaurants or on vacation, we seldom believe we are getting as much for our money as we ought to.


22 mars 2010

15 mars 2010

Red Bull Crashed Ice: plus fou

(Québec) Non seulement le parcours du Red Bull Crashed Ice 2010 dans le Vieux-Québec promet d'être le plus spectaculaire jusqu'ici, mais ses inconvénients pour les résidents du quartier ont été considérablement réduits.

-Le Soleil

Votre humble serviteur y sera. Pour les intéressés : départ de Mtl à 8h00 le 20 mars, retour en soirée le 21.

13 mars 2010

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment

A 50-year mystery over the 'cursed bread' of Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents suffering hallucinations, has been solved after a writer discovered the US had spiked the bread with LSD as part of an experiment.


Un journaliste américain attribue la vague d’hallucinations dans la commune en 1951 à une expérimentation menée par la CIA.

-Le Parisien.fr