23 avr. 2010

Facebook veut devenir un incontournable du web

Jusqu'à tout récemment, ceux qui n'aimaient pas Facebook n'avaient qu'à ignorer les conversations de leurs collègues et amis («As-tu vu mes photos sur Facebook?») et à ne pas s'y inscrire. Mais cela pourrait bientôt être chose du passé...



A man took these photos inside an amusement arcade in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea. They will make you very, very grateful that your local still has a functioning SEGA Rally and that you are not from or stuck in North Korea.

North Korea: rare photograph of Kim Jong-il's heir apparent emerges

According to North Korean lore, Kim Jong-il's birth was foretold by a swallow and heralded by a glorious double rainbow and the appearance of a new star. His official biography says he was born on White-Headed Mountain, the highest peak on the Korean peninsula. On top of the mountain sits the volcanic Heaven Lake...


20 avr. 2010

Mexico ne combat pas les cartels

S'il faut en croire le journaliste Charles Bowden, Mexico «a besoin de l'argent du narcotrafic pour ne pas s'effondrer».


19 avr. 2010

Farms as skyscrapers

By the year 2050, nearly 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban centers. Applying the most conservative estimates to current demographic trends, the human population will increase by about 3 billion people during the interim. An estimated 109 hectares of new land (about 20% more land than is represented by the country of Brazil) will be needed to grow enough food to feed them, if traditional farming practices continue as they are practiced today. At present, throughout the world, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use (sources: FAO and NASA). Historically, some 15% of that has been laid waste by poor management practices. What can be done to avoid this impending disaster?


18 avr. 2010

Political Graffiti

Government-financed brigades of graffiti artists and muralists are blanketing the walls of Caracas, Venezuela, with politicized images, ranging from crude, semi-anonymous graffiti tags to bold, colorful works.


16 avr. 2010

50 Lifehacks to Help You Live Longer and Healthier

With all the work that’s put into fitness and health, it’s a wonder how some people manage to have lives outside of work and exercise.

A healthy lifestyle can be a pretty hard thing to achieve. There seems to be so much micromanaging involved, from scheduling your workouts to tracking your diet for calories, carbs, proteins, and fats.

That’s what lifehacks are for. Lifehacks act as your own personal shortcuts to a healthier lifestyle. These simple, out-of-the-box methods for improving the quality of your life are everywhere; you just have to know where to look. Here are 50 such lifehacks designed to keep you in tip-top shape, as well as improve your emotional and mental health.

13 avr. 2010

Le tour du monde en 80 secondes

Barack Obama Looking at Awesome Things

In response to NYMag.com's clearly doctored A History of Obama Feigning Interest in Mundane Things slideshow, I've decided to reveal the truth, using next-gen image decoding software I call Photoshop. Call me a whistleblower if you want, but the truth is the truth. President Obama spends most of his time looking at awesome things.

-Dean Trippe on Flickr

9 avr. 2010

The U.K. Heroin Underground

Photographer Andy Moxon reveals a sprawling community of addicts flourishing beneath the surface of a typical English city.

Editors advisory: Some of the photos in this gallery contain graphic content


7 avr. 2010

New Exhibition Explodes Myth of SS Castle Wewelsburg

Wewelsburg Castle, once a pseudo-religious sanctum for Hitler's SS, has been shrouded in mystery since 1945. Its echoing crypt and mysterious occult symbols have spawned fantasies of pagan, torch-lit ceremonies held by the murderous brotherhood. A new exhibition at the site aims to dispel such myths -- and reflects Germany's new approach towards explaining its darkest places.

Spiegel Online

Seven years of war in Iraq (136 pics)

Avis : Le contenu du site contient du matériel pouvant offenser.

4 avr. 2010

The Kingston Lounge

Central State Hospital, formerly known as the Georgia Lunatic Asylum, the State Asylum for the Insane, and the Georgia State Sanitarium, is the oldest and largest psychiatric facility in the state. Located on a sprawling 1,750 acre campus in Milledgeville, GA, which was at the time the state capitol, the Asylum admitted its first patient in 1842. Patient population exploded rapidly, and by the 1870s overcrowding was an issue; new buildings and additions to existing buildings were rapidly constructed to deal with the ballooning need for beds. This trend continued through the 1960s, when Central briefly contended with New York's Pilgrim for the title of largest psychiatric facility in the world.

Just 2 Guyz

1 avr. 2010

Tu peux frencher un gars à Memphis

Tu peux faire le tour du monde, voir toutes les villes de l'univers. Tu peux voyager à en détruire tes roulettes de valise, à en retrousser tes coins de passeport. Tu peux avoir goûté tous les sandwichs de machines d'aéroport, trouver normal que plus de douaniers que de filles t'aient vu tout nu.
