29 juin 2013

There’s a new macho sex boast, and it has nothing to do with penis size. Just ask Michael Douglas

Nearly 15 years ago, an episode of “The Sopranos” showed just how emasculating some  men consider cunnilingus. Uncle Junior’s lover Roberta tells him that he’s “a real artist” when it comes to “kissing down there” — but instead of puffing up his chest with pride and telling all his fellow mafiosi, he warns her not to dare spread the word. “They think if you suck pussy you’ll suck anything,” says Junior. “It’s a sign of weakness and possibly a sign that you’re a fanook.” Tony finds out and humiliation ensues. Junior gets so enraged that he considers having his nephew murdered — all over some oral.


How risky is oral sex?

After Michael Douglas's revelation that his throat cancer was caused by oral sex, Justin Hancock, a sex educator, explains the risks and how best to protect yourself.

-The telegraph

Profiter de la vie et rire de tout : « 12 ans d’âge », le fim vieux tendance

Charles, banquier de profession, la soixantaine, part en préretraite et ne s’en plaint pas. En compagnie de son contemporain Pierrot, le même âge et un profil d’éternel dilettante, il entame une nouvelle existence qui obéit à la morale suivante : « Profiter de la vie et rire de tout. »

Le duo multiplie les sorties nocturnes alcoolisées, les activités épicuriennes, les plaisanteries potaches et envisage même de fomenter un hold-up dans l’ancienne agence bancaire de Charles. En pleine régression – d’où le titre du film, « 12 ans d’âge » – les acolytes aux cheveux blancs renouent avec des plaisirs simples depuis trop longtemps oubliés.


A Portrait of American Life on Google Street View

Rickard spent four years combing through Google Street View exploring images of cities either forgotten or symbolic of economic collapse to produce the series “A New American Picture,” one of the most talked about projects of 2012.


How Not to Be Alone

Most of our communication technologies began as diminished substitutes for an impossible activity. We couldn’t always see one another face to face, so the telephone made it possible to keep in touch at a distance. One is not always home, so the answering machine made a kind of interaction possible without the person being near his phone. Online communication originated as a substitute for telephonic communication, which was considered, for whatever reasons, too burdensome or inconvenient. And then texting which facilitated yet faster, and more mobile, messaging. These inventions were not created to be improvements upon face-to-face communication, but a declension of acceptable, if diminished, substitutes for it. But then a funny thing happened...

-NY Times

Classes moyennes, pauvres, jeunes : les Français de plus en plus seuls

« C’est très concret la solitude. Il y a des gens qui disent n’avoir que deux conversations sur leur vie personnelle par an », soulignait il y a trois ans de ça Dominique Lemaistre, directrice du mécénat à la Fondation de France.


Amazing Graffiti

Graffiti done right can be a beautiful thing (50 photos).

-The Chive

22 juin 2013

15 juin 2013

No Secrets

house on Grettisgata Street, in Reykjavik, is a century old, small and white, situated just a few streets from the North Atlantic. The shifting northerly winds can suddenly bring ice and snow to the city, even in springtime, and when they do a certain kind of silence sets in. This was the case on the morning of March 30th, when a tall Australian man named Julian Paul Assange, with gray eyes and a mop of silver-white hair, arrived to rent the place. Assange was dressed in a gray full-body snowsuit, and he had with him a small entourage. “We are journalists,” he told the owner of the house. Eyjafjallajökull had recently begun erupting, and he said, “We’re here to write about the volcano.” After the owner left, Assange quickly closed the drapes, and he made sure that they stayed closed, day and night. The house, as far as he was concerned, would now serve as a war room; people called it the Bunker. Half a dozen computers were set up in a starkly decorated, white-walled living space. Icelandic activists arrived, and they began to work, more or less at Assange’s direction, around the clock. Their focus was Project B—Assange’s code name for a thirty-eight-minute video taken from the cockpit of an Apache military helicopter in Iraq in 2007. The video depicted American soldiers killing at least eighteen people, including two Reuters journalists; it later became the subject of widespread controversy, but at this early stage it was still a closely guarded military secret.

-The New Yorker

You Won’t Finish This Article

I’m going to keep this brief, because you’re not going to stick around for long. I’ve already lost a bunch of you. For every 161 people who landed on this page, about 61 of you—38 percent—are already gone. You “bounced” in Web traffic jargon, meaning you spent no time “engaging” with this page at all.

So now there are 100 of you left. Nice round number. But not for long! We’re at the point in the page where you have to scroll to see more. Of the 100 of you who didn’t bounce, five are never going to scroll. Bye!



Some people have neurological quirks that give them extraordinary perceptual powers. What can we learn from them?

-Aeon Magazine

Shed of the year competition – in pictures

Almost 2,000 amateur sheddies have entered their creations into the shed of the year competition, sponsored by Cuprinol, with entries ranging from the weird and wacky to the downright majestic. Here are the winners in eight categories, as chosen by members of the public.

-The Guardian

10 Fascinating Train Routes Across The World

The history of rail transport dates back nearly 500 years. Many railroads that passes through wonderful landscapes have until recently been a popular form of passenger transport. But with the invention of planes, these beautiful and sometimes treacherous routes are usually transformed into a tourist attractions.
-The World Geography

Danziger Gallery exhibitions

American Darkness: Gregory Crewdson and O. Winston Link May 9 - June 14, 2013

-Danziger Gallery 

Father Photoshops his Daughter into Impossible Scenes

Kids can be both a blessing and a burden… and when it comes to these impossible images, those facts are taken to the extreme.

-Visuel News

8 juin 2013

Deep Inside The Biggest Little Dildo Factory In America

The sex toy business has never been more profitable or female-driven, thanks in no small part to Fifty Shades of Grey. But while most of the industry’s manufacturing takes place in China, Doc Johnson is doing its patriotic duty, one giant rubber penis at a time.


Cette fois, Big Brother vous regarde pour de vrai

La National Security Agency (NSA), une des principales agences fédérales américaines de renseignement, se permet de fouiller directement dans les données privées gérées par Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple (mais bizarrement pas Twitter), afin d’en tirer des informations. C’est ce que révèlent, documents à l’appui, le Guardian et le Washington Post.



World's Most Beautiful Trees Photography

World's Most Beautiful Trees Photography

-One Big Photo

Real Animals That You Didn't Know Existed

The world we live in is filled with exotic wildlife, and that means more than just lions and giraffes. There are a multitude of species that are lesser known to the general public and fascinating to learn more about. Redditor preggit decided to introduce a whole batch of these real animals that look like they've been Photoshopped. They come in all shapes and sizes and we couldn't help but share them.

-My Modern Met

2 juin 2013

50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About

It's time to update the entries in your browser's links toolbar. But with recent estimates putting the size of the internet at well more than 100 million distinct websites, it's getting harder and harder to get a handle on all the great stuff that's out there. That's why we've compiled this list. And unlike some lists you may have seen, which try to name the very "best" websites, but end up just telling you a lot of stuff you already know, we've chosen instead to highlight 50 of our favorite sites that fly under most people's radar.
