27 juil. 2013

Rejection is more powerful than you think

Rejections can cause four distinct psychological wounds, the severity of which depends on the situation and our emotional health at the time. Specifically, rejections elicit emotional pain so sharp it affects our thinking, floods us with anger, erodes our confidence and self-esteem, and destabilizes our fundamental feeling of belonging.


Want to Understand Mortality? Look to the Chimps

Pansy was probably in her 50s when she died, which is pretty good for a chimpanzee. She passed in a way most of us would envy — peacefully, with her adult daughter, Rosie, and her best friend, Blossom, by her side. Thirty years earlier, Pansy and Blossom arrived together at the Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park near Stirling, Scotland. They raised their children together. Now, as Pansy struggled to breathe, Blossom held her hand and stroked it.

-NY Times 

Artist Makes Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital Even Creepier With Painted Shadows

Brazilian street artist Herbert Baglione has somehow managed to make an abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy even creepier with his paintings of shadows.

-Design Taxi

I Have Dated Several Crack Dealers

Just last week, I was at a trap house with my ex in Cloverdale, British Columbia. The front door was covered in what looked a lot like bullet holes, but I'm not sure. There were a lot of unexplainable holes in the wall. Some of the holes were so big I could almost fit through them. The whole place smelled faintly like ammonia and dirty laundry. I was hanging out in the living room while they were all in the kitchen. On one burner they were cooking crack and on the burner next to it, they were cooking dinner. I think that's kind of funny, but I also couldn't help but wonder why I was there? I mean, it's not like I seek this shit out, or anything. I think I just attract it.


The Rise and Fall of a Super Freak

Rick James was one of the biggest names in the music industry—until he discovered freebase cocaine. An interview with the former King of Funk at Folsom Prison leads to a friendship with the author. His autographed copy of this book was found beside his deathbed.


Sleep-Away Camp for Postmodern Cowboys

Team America were at Kasotc for the fifth-annual Warrior Competition in which 32 teams from 17 countries and the Palestinian territories would compete against one another on mock missions. Organizers have referred to it as “the Olympics of counterterrorism”: over the next four days, the teams would raid buildings, storm hijacked jets, rescue hostages and shoot targets with live ammunition, all while being scored for speed and accuracy. It was a stage-managed showcase for the 21st-century soldier — not the humble G.I., but the post-9/11 warrior, the superman in the shadows, keeping the world safe from murky threats.

-NY Times

20 juil. 2013

Lady Gaga - The Lady Is A Tramp (Full Song ft. Tony Bennett)

Open relationships: the people making it work

Three years ago, I met my fiance. He was fresh out of a 15-year relationship and concluded that a single partner was not what either of us needed. Though I cried when he told me this, I could just about envision a committed scenario without monogamy. So that’s what we did.
Like most open couples, we began with dozens of rules: who should call who when, what partners would be OK. But it quickly became clear that these attempts at control were aimed at avoiding jealousy, and that most negative feelings were not jealousy at all: they were my own fears – that he would leave me, or that I wasn’t the epitome of sexuality in his eyes. I grew to understand that though he loves my body, he’s also sometimes attracted to other bodies; that one day he might leave me, and refusing him access to other sexual experiences won’t change that.

-The Long Good Read

Creepiest Abandoned Japanese Love Hotels

With a whopping 500 million visits a year, love hotels – establishments that offer couples a private, short-stay location in which they can indulge in the pleasures of the flesh – are a booming business in Japan. Indeed, it's been estimated that 1.4 million Japanese people, or 2% of the country's population, visit a love hotel each day.

-Environmental Graffiti

When You Text Till You Drop

I DON’T know about you, but I’ve always found the debate about what our mobile devices are doing to us — to our behaviors, our manners, our minds — at least as interesting as reports about what we’re doing with these devices. What about that gent who was talking loudly into his Android phone on the Metro-North train this morning? Was he really that obnoxious before we all went wireless — or did the device somehow change him? And what about all those young people who spend hours upon hours texting and sexting and Facebooking? What kinds of adults will they become?

-NY Times

The Real Face of Terror: Behind the Scenes Photos of the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Manhunt

The Rolling Stone cover featuring the suspected Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has, of course, set off a firestorm of controversy across the country. Critics believe that the cover glamorizes Tsarnaev, depicting him as a kind of rock ‘n roll outlaw rather than a terrorist who has been charged with killing four people and seriously wounding hundreds of others.

-Boston Magazine

A Low-Tech Mosquito Deterrent

Our friends had come up with a solution that saved us from having to deal with bug repellents or, worse, bites and itches. On a low table, they set up a small electric fan, perhaps 12 inches high, that swept back and forth, sending a gentle breeze across the grassy area where people were sitting.

-NY Times 

The Master, A charismatic teacher enthralled his students. Was he abusing them?

When I was in high school, at Horace Mann, in the Bronx, in the nineteen-seventies, everyone took pride in the brilliant eccentricity of our teachers. There was an English teacher who slipped precepts from the Tao Te Ching into his classes on the Bible and occasionally urged us to subvert standardized tests by answering every question with the word “five.” There was a much loved language teacher who would pelt distracted students with a SuperBall. There was a history instructor who, in a lecture on how the difficulty of delivering mail in the early days of the republic helped shape Federalist ideas, would drop his trousers to reveal patterned boxer shorts.

-The New Yorker 

18 juil. 2013

40 websites that will make you cleverer right now

40 websites that will make you cleverer right now.

-Ink Tank

Chilling new details in the mysterious Tim Bosma homicide

The Ontario buyer said he wanted to dispose of dead farm animals.

When the man placed an order for a portable livestock incinerator last summer, he asked all the usual questions about the device’s size and fuel source. Soon after, the unit was shipped for about $15,000.

But nearly a year later, salesman Bill Penner was horrified to learn the incinerator was linked to the grisly May death of Tim Bosma, a husband and father whose charred remains were found on Dellen Millard’s farm after he’d been missing for a week. Police said Mr. Bosma’s body had been “burned beyond recognition.”

Why Mr. Bosma fell victim to such brutality after taking two men to test-drive his 2007 Dodge Ram on May 6 is the subject of speculation among Canadians baffled by motive and intent. Investigators remain tight-lipped about the high-profile case and about the connection between the pair accused of first-degree murder: Mr. Millard, 27, and Mark Smich, 25.

-The Globe and Mail

14 juil. 2013

Daft Punk - Lose Yourself To Dance

The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut”

“Eyes Wide Shut” was promoted as a steamy, suspenseful movie starring the “It” couple of the day: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. While the actors were prominently featured in the movie, it is everything around them that told the true story of “Eyes Wide Shut”. Stanley Kubrick’s attention to detail and symbolism gave the movie an entire other dimension – one that cannot be seen by those who have their eyes wide shut. This multiple-part series will look at the hidden symbolism of Kubrick’s final film.

-The Vigilant Citizen

Behind The Scenes Shots From Popular Movies

Movies were first introduced and shared with the masses in late 19th century, and since then it has captured the attention of millions of audiences. We are totally accustomed of these films which are full of classic hits, drama, action, thrill and romance. But there is a whole different world behind thesescenes.

-The Photomag

7 juil. 2013








Famous Tombs: Love in the 90s

I was a pre-teen when Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp moved into a loft across the street from me in Tribeca, where I lived. An older neighbour friend, the sister of a classmate, told me they were living in her loft building, on the top floor. I went home and looked for them that very same day. I saw him at my corner deli, and on the street smoking, but never her. At night, I sometimes looked up at their windows and saw their lights on. The older friend said they had no furniture and seemed nice. Depp was not very impressive in person. Cute, but no big deal. His jeans had paint on them and his t-shirt had holes. You might not look at him unless you knew you were supposed to, 

which is really the singular difference between people on-screen and people off-screen: famous people are to be looked at.


-The White Review

If Earth Had a Ring Like Saturn

Our planet is lucky enough to have a large moon orbiting not too far away, which makes for very pretty moonlit nights. But for spectacular skies it might almost be worth trading in our moon for a ring like Saturn's.
In fact, the earth did once have a ring:


Race against the tide, risking death under huge blocks of ice

The people of Kangiqsujuaq in Canada go to great lengths to add variety to their diet of seal meat, venturing under the sea ice during the extreme low tides of the spring equinox to gather mussels. It's a race against time. They have less than half an hour to search these temporary caverns before the tide rushes back in. A look-out keeps watch for the returning tide, but warning shouts can't be too loud in case the echoes bring down the ice.

-You Tube

6 juil. 2013

Est-ce la limousine de Raël?

En surfant sur Google Street View, on peut tomber sur des images surprenantes. Force est de constater que le véhicule du géant Google qui sillonne les routes pour les présenter sous tous les angles sur le web a croisé une voiture pour le moins étrange. 

 La voiture de marque Cadillac et de couleur grise porte aussi le symbole du mouvement international prônant la méditation sensuelle.

-La Tribune