28 sept. 2013

Larry King on Getting Seduced

"I'm playing these records. The phone rings and I pick it up: 'WAHR'. And this lady's voice--I can still hear her voice--she goes: 'I want you.'" - Larry King

Good Movies . . . You Wish You Never Saw

Today we turn our attention to a special kind of movie — the good movie we wish we never saw.
This is different from bad movies we wish we never saw.  We’re talking now about a type of movie that we think is good but that contains something so disturbing to us that we wish we never allowed it into our mind.


L.A. Blues: Aaron North's Sad Descent From Nine Inch Nails to Nowhere

Aaron North eases his dirty silver truck onto Sunset Boulevard and tells me how this is going to go. "I don't want to be interrogated," he says on this mid-summer night, sliding into Hollywood traffic. "We'll drive for a while, and I can just talk. Are you a rock'n'roll fan? I know so many stories. My head is full of that shit."


The Flight from Dallas

From noon to dusk on November 22, 1963, history went dark, locked inside the closed and crowded cabin of Air Force One. Fifty years later, what happened after JFK died has fully come to light.


Burning Man 2013

Burning Man 2013 pics.

-Stuck In Customs

5 sept. 2013

La Fistinière, petite maison (du fist-fucking) dans la prairie

Ce n’est pas une maison bleue accrochée à une colline. C’est une maison d’hôtes pour passionnés du « fist », cette pratique qui consiste à introduire une main, voire un bras dans un vagin ou un anus. C’est aussi un mythe, une maison qui étonne ou fait rire par son concept. Nous avons voulu rencontrer François, Juan Carlos et Nelly, les penseurs de ce lieu original.

-Rue 89

Can't go back

Descendents: Can't go back

Ania Lisewska, Polish Woman, Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men

It's good to have a goal in life, but the one purportedly expressed by a woman in Warsaw, Poland, may be a stretch. Ania Lisewska, 21, is allegedly attempting to travel to every city in the world so she can have sex with at least 100,000 men for 20 minutes each.

-Huffington Post

Study: Couples Can Tune Out Spouse's Voice

Wait, what did my wife say to me? Something about it being my turn to pick up the kids today. Well, whatever. If it was important, she wouldn't have told me while I was watching My Little Pony.
Psychological researchers at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada found that after a while, it's easy to for married couples to stop paying attention to each other.


Hill Farmstead Brewery: la meilleure brasserie du monde

(Greensboro Bend) Nichée dans les vertes collines peu fréquentées du Vermont, près de Greensboro Bend, village de quelque 200 âmes, Hill Farmstead Brewery est un lieu d'exception. Élue meilleure brasserie du monde par les sites de critiques de bières RateBeer et Beer Advocate en février dernier, elle est depuis prise d'assaut par les amateurs de bière qui viennent se ravitailler, leurs growlers sous le bras. Visite guidée par un beau samedi ensoleillé d'été.

-La Presse

What Miley Cyrus Teaches Us About Being Human

I hate to jump on the Miley Cyrus, ratchet culture, commodification-of-the-marginalized-life bandwagon just as it seems that the flurry of posts and articles has died down. But I’m diving in. I’m putting my two cents down because I think the conversation that unfolded in the media is missing an essential point that has an impact on all of us.

What Miley did at the MTV Video Music Awards last week became such a spectacle not only because it was thought to be out of character, not even because it was not done particularly well, but it was this past week’s media circus because it pointed out how we as human beings—despite race, class, gender, and sexuality divides—are all more alike than we are different. A country darling turned Disney princess is attracted to and expressing herself within a ratchet culture image? How dare she break through those rigid identity camps!


Spectators Get Washed Away by Typhoon Trami (35 pics)

Many people gathered on the banks of the Qiantang River to watch the waves caused by the typhoon Trami but with the force of the water lots of them were washed away in the tide.


4 sept. 2013

The Southern Cassowary - The Most Dangerous Bird on Earth

Ask a ten year old what the largest bird in the world is and the chances are you will get the right answer – the ostrich. Asked about the second largest and the odds are still very good that they will be able to name the Emu. Go for third place in the size league and you may well start to get blank looks from all but the keenest young ornithologist. The answer is the Cassowary – and not only is it endangered but is also classified as the world’s most dangerous bird.

-The Ark in Space

The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Mother Nature is beautiful and amazing because we can see many amazing stuff like these 15 things that you won’t believe they actually exist. All these places are real. It is hard to believe in that, but that is true.

-Nature Pictures