29 sept. 2019

An Unbelievable Story of Rape

An 18-year-old said she was attacked at knifepoint. Then she said she made it up. That’s where our story begins.

She had reported being raped in her apartment by a man who had bound and gagged her. Then, confronted by police with inconsistencies in her story, she had conceded it might have been a dream. Then she admitted making the story up. One TV newscast announced, “A Western Washington woman has confessed that she cried wolf when it came to her rape she reported earlier this week.” She had been charged with filing a false report, which is why she was here today, to accept or turn down a plea deal.

- Pro Publica

28 sept. 2019

On Choosing Life

The national birth rate, long in decline, reached an all-time low this year. Different theories have been floated to explain the trend, but none have been more revealing than the answers young people give themselves. In a 2018 New York Times survey of Americans aged twenty to 45, only 42 percent of respondents said they wanted children. According to an international report released this May, just 39 percent of millennials listed having kids as one of their life ambitions, in last place behind traveling the world, getting rich, buying a home and making a “positive impact.”

- The Point

26 sept. 2019

Cannabis Dos and Don’ts: A Conversation with Etiquette Expert Lizzie Post

Cannabis seems to be everywhere, and it just may turn up at your next social gathering. It’s not shocking to encounter weed in places you previously reserved for alcohol: weddings, work retreats, cocktail parties, vacations, and even at children’s playdates (for the parents, of course).

With the growing trend toward legalization and decriminalization, cannabis has seen a rise in popularity. Shopping at a dispensary feels like a luxury retail experience; women’s magazines tout the benefits of topical CBD lotions; and being served ganja at a dinner party is simply another part of the menu. It leaves room for major faux pas, as people who partake regularly assume you do too.

- Fortune

23 sept. 2019

Here's What Happens In Your Brain When You Watch Porn

For many people, watching porn may be part of an every day routine. It goes a little something like this: In a fleeting moment of boredom, arousal, or a combination of both, you head to your site of choice, make a few quick clicks to find your preferred content, stare at your screen for a few minutes, and possibly (hopefully) get off. Then, in all likelihood, you close the tab and go about the rest of your day or night without giving it another thought. So, what happens in your brain when you watch porn? Well, let's just say it can have a pretty powerful impact.

- elite daily