30 déc. 2020
Too Full to F - - - You can’t always make room for a dick.
For straight couples, there is one key difference between sex for the male and for the female: a woman gets a penis inserted into her while a man gets to insert his penis into someone else. That’s all nice and good. Sex is pleasurable for both genders. But from what I’ve discovered, only one gender has to save room in her body if a penis is to go into it — meaning that sometimes, if you’ve eaten a hearty meal, there isn’t enough room for a penis.
- The Cut
21 déc. 2020
Hottest And Most Grooviest Photos From The Past That Will Redefine Your Style Statement
A pictorial celebration of the coolest kids from the past… From beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between. These are images that will set your soul on fire. Get ready to get a style check.
- Design you Trust
9 déc. 2020
Life Lessons from a 97-Year-Old Lobsterman
John Olson has been on the water for nine decades—and he's still working.
If the definition of a true outdoorsman is spending more of your life braving the elements than seeking shelter from them, lobsterman John Olson may be the finest example alive.
- Outside
Our ‘Lost’ Weekend With Van Halen A couple college dudes won an MTV contest to tour with Van Halen. Then all hell broke loose
On an overcast morning in the spring of 1984, Kurt Jefferis and Tom Winnick, a couple of college-age bros of no particular renown, departed the world of normalcy in a stretch limousine to embark on a rock-and-roll fantasy. Their destination: Detroit. More accurately: oblivion. Jefferis, a 20-year-old department-store stock clerk, had bested more than a million other competitors to win the MTV contest “Lost Weekend With Van Halen.” He and his plus-one, Winnick, a childhood buddy, would in a matter of hours find themselves backstage with the legendarily hard-partying Atomic Punks on a two-day bender that ticked every box of rock debauchery synonymous with the Big Hair era.
- Vulture
29 nov. 2020
Erika Lust: ‘Women want to try porn. But it’s not for us.’ Meet the filmmaker who’s leading a feminist revolution
Erika Lust is taking on the misogynistic world of porn. The female gaze matters, she tells Emily Sheffield.
It’s a blustery Tuesday evening and I am upstairs at the Groucho Club in Soho turning blindly in circles, watching numerous beautiful people having sex: group sex, masturbation, spanking… It’s elegantly shot and certainly erotic, but at the same time I am trying to avoid bumping into the bar or anyone else around me.
- Evening Standard
28 nov. 2020
Michel Simon dans un musée du sexe ?
Tout ce qui touche au sexe, l’acteur Michel Simon l’achète. En parallèle, il fait des photos explicites, annotées de petits textes obscènes, maintenant publiées sous le titre : “L’Album pornographique de Michel Simon”. La part cachée du monstre… sacré ?
- Libération
24 nov. 2020
Cold Inside: Sexual Climate Change
People are having less sex. Even before the pandemic, social distancing, and masturbatory Zoom-bombing, far less sex. We’ve long imagined a sexually sterile future, from the dystopian visions of Brave New World, 1984, and The Handmaid’s Tale to the more recent, controversial novel by Michel Houellebecq, The Possibility of an Island (La Possibilité d’une île), in which humans have engineered sexuality out of their reproduction, enabling them to exist in individual compounds with no physical, and virtually no social, interaction.
- Guernica
18 nov. 2020
Spike Lee réalisera une comédie musicale sur le Viagra
Selon le magazine en ligne deadline.com, le scénario sera basé sur un article écrit par le journaliste David Kushner dans la revue Esquire et intitulé : All Rise : The Untold Story of The Guys Who Launched Viagra.
Médicament utilisé pour régler les problèmes de dysfonction érectile, le Viagra (sildénafil) a obtenu en 1998 une autorisation de mise en marché aux États-Unis. Depuis, le médicament est devenu la petite pilule bleue la plus connue de la planète.
- La Presse
17 nov. 2020
A Nameless Hiker and the Case the Internet Can’t Crack
IN APRIL 2017, a man started hiking in a state park just north of New York City. He wanted to get away, maybe from something and maybe from everything. He didn’t bring a phone; he didn’t bring a credit card. He didn’t even really bring a name. Or at least he didn’t tell anyone he met what it was.
- Wired
12 nov. 2020
Texas Punk Rock, Straight From the Pit
Over the last seven months, American life has cautiously adjusted to the strictures of quarantine. We eat in the street, pull up to drive-in theaters and watch live music via our laptops.
Best intentions aside, the tactile experience of a concert — the sweat, the volume, the beer that guy just spilled on you — can’t be replaced by anything but the real thing, which may remain impossible until well into 2021. So it’s with some wistful irony that the writer and photographer Pat Blashill released “Texas Is the Reason,” a photo book telling the story of the 1980s Austin, Texas, punk rock scene, in February, less than a month before the country locked down.
- NY Times
6 nov. 2020
Shh. It’s Breakfast Time
Silent breakfast is a wellness practice that is helping some people cope with the pandemic. “I don’t meditate so I look to other parts of my day to become meditative, including my coffee and breakfast routine,” Nina Zorfass, 30, a New York City resident who works in marketing, wrote in an email. Her technique? Eating breakfast in complete silence.
- NY Times
3 nov. 2020
L’heure de jouir
Quarante-cinq minutes de préliminaires avant la pénétration : c’est ce que suggérait aux femmes désireuses d’atteindre l’orgasme Anita Boeninger, une conseillère en santé holistique et spécialiste de la culture orientale.
Anita Boeninger est citée dans le livre Jouir. En quête de l’orgasme féminin, de la journaliste canadienne Sarah Barmak, récemment traduit en français aux éditions Zones. Dans la tradition orientale, écrit Sarah Barmak, « les femmes, qui avaient plus de yin, étaient associées à l’eau : il leur fallait du temps pour s’échauffer, mais aussi pour refroidir ».
- Le Devoir
The Montreal Woman Having Sex With Two Men in One Day
A woman tanning naked while working from home and pining for a man she loves but has never had sex with: 33, single, Montreal.
10 a.m. I invited a guy over for a quickie after we matched on one of the apps last night. When he arrives, I see that he’s cute just like his photo. He’s ten years my junior, with a mischievous smile. We have our way with each other in the living room and then my bedroom.
- The Cut
13 Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. DXXVI)
1. The French Werewolf Epidemic (1520-1630) was France’s version of Europe’s witch trials and executions, but with werewolves. For 110 years, 30 thousand people were accused of being werewolves, tortured in exchange for their confessions, or lack of admission of guilt and died at the stake. Of the many examples of accused werewolfery is of Jacques Rollet, dubbed the Werewolf of Chazes. Rollet lured a fifteen-year-old boy to the woods where he murdered and ate his body. When he was tried for his crime, he confessed to having done the same to other locals, specifically employees of the court system such as lawyers and attorneys. Rollet got the death sentence (like pretty much everyone else back then) but ended up in an insane asylum…
- Messy Nessy Chic
30 oct. 2020
Portugal - Des surfeurs de l’extrême s’attaquent aux premières vagues géantes
(Lisbonne) Plusieurs surfeurs de l’extrême tentaient jeudi matin de dominer l’énorme houle à Praia do Norte, célèbre spot de Nazaré atteint par les premières vagues géantes de l’automne, dans le centre du Portugal.
- La Presse
29 oct. 2020
Requiem for a Dream at 20: Aronofsky's nightmare still haunts
I was 17, and just beginning university, when Requiem for a Dream descended on cinemas like an opaque, bruise-blue mist. Notwithstanding the no-under-18s restrictions stamped upon it by stern censors in the UK and elsewhere, I like to think I was the optimal age for it. Darren Aronofsky’s addiction drama may be cross-generational in its focus, but with its unremittingly punishing storytelling and frenzied, all-systems-go cinematic energy, it represents a very young person’s idea of how a very adult film looks, sounds and spasms.
- The Guardian
23 oct. 2020
William Bujold à la recherche de la perle rare
À 26 ans seulement, William Bujold est déjà un pionnier de l’élevage des huîtres au Québec. Premier à commercialiser ce mollusque dans les eaux de la Gaspésie, cet amoureux de la mer compte bien faire déguster l’huître au-delà des fameux mois en « bre ».
- Le Devoir
Men Love Sluts: How the Fear of Bigger Penises Fuels Slut-Shaming
In 1996 I was eighteen years old and had been a stripper for two years already. I hung out with a group of drug dealers, pimps, professional athletes, and a crew of four other strippers I booked for private dances with some of my rich and famous friends, who I met in the private gentlemen’s club where I worked daily double shifts. I’d been living on my own since I was sixteen years old and pulling in no less than a thousand dollars a day. I was a troubled teenage dropout, a runaway, and one hell of a hustler.
- Medium
22 oct. 2020
Japanese Artist Draws Every Meal He’s Eaten for Over 30 Years – Food Is Love
For decades chef Itsuo Kobayashi has been drawing his food diaries, creating a visual record of an enduring love.
- Flashbak
Sacha Baron Cohen: This Time He’s Serious
Reviving his Borat character and playing the political activist Abbie Hoffman, the actor feels he “had to ring the alarm bell and say that democracy is in peril this year.”
Borat uses the flower bed in front of the Trump hotel at Columbus Circle as a men’s room.
Sacha Baron Cohen plays the cello and is planning to take some Zoom classes from the masters.
Borat keeps his teenage daughter in a cage. (“Is it nicer than Melania’s cage?” she wonders.) And when he takes her clothes shopping, he asks the saleswoman to direct them to the “No means Yes section.”
Sacha Baron Cohen, who once dreamed of being a chef, loves to cook for his family.
Borat buys a chocolate cake and asks the woman behind the counter to write on top, “Jews will not replace us” in icing — with a smiley face.
Sacha Baron Cohen is an observant Jew who speaks Hebrew and works with the Anti-Defamation League on “Stop Hate for Profit,” a campaign to stem the bile on social media.
- NY Times
15 oct. 2020
Ces femmes par qui l’horreur arrive (ou s’achève)
La décennie des années 1970 fut particulièrement féconde en matière de cinéma d’horreur. Entre les diableries de The Exorcist et The Omen, financés à gros frais par Hollywood, des films à petit budget émergèrent de la scène indépendante, tels The Texas Chainsaw Massacre et Halloween, cumulant des recettes tout aussi énormes et confirmant un goût du public pour la peur faite film. L’époque était aux bouleversements, aux changements. La guerre du Vietnam s’enlisait et divisait, le désenchantement politique planait avec un scandale du Watergate en chantier, la seconde vague du féminisme déferlait : autant de sujets qui s’immiscèrent dans le cinéma d’horreur. Durant tout le mois d’octobre, la plateforme Criterion Channel revisite cette période clé du genre en proposant une sélection bigarrée de vingt-neuf films, dont plusieurs portés par des héroïnes bien de leur temps.
- Le Devoir
14 oct. 2020
If You Can’t Go Out to the Disco, Bring the Disco to You
It’s exercise! It’s dance! It’s an excuse to throw on a pair of rayon flare pants! As weekends begin to feel somewhat meaningless in a quarantined world, with few faces to see and certainly no place to go, here at MessyNessyChic, we could all use something to look forward to. Nightlife as we know it might be cancelled, but all the more reason to get creative and set up your own family disco night at home.
- Messy Nessy Chic