29 avr. 2021
The Most Creative Photos Of The World Naked Gardening Day 2020, Even In Isolation
Every year on the first Saturday in May, gardeners are encouraged to shed their clothes and tend their gardens naked, just as nature intended. The free-spirited proponents of naked gardening are usually nudists. But it’s not just other nudists that are encouraged to garden in the buff. It’s anyone who desires to experience a stronger bond with nature.
- Design you Trust
28 avr. 2021
Seth Rogen and the Secret to Happiness
How the comedian (and director, writer, ceramist and weed entrepreneur) has made a career out of mining the pitfalls and possibilities of adolescence.
Seth Rogen’s home sits on several wooded acres in the hills above Los Angeles, under a canopy of live oak and eucalyptus trees strung with outdoor pendants that light up around dusk, when the frogs on the grounds start croaking. I pulled up at the front gate on a recent afternoon, and Rogen’s voice rumbled through the intercom. “Hellooo!”
- NY Times
21 avr. 2021
The uncomfortable reality of The Rolling Stones song 'Brown Sugar'
Rock ‘n’ roll, from its very origins, is inherently touched by darkness, but for ‘Brown Sugar’, The Rolling Stones seemed to be operating with the steadfast aim of mining the depths of rock’s densest dark matter and packaging it in a thrashing little ditty. It might not sound that way on the melodic surface, but few songs have a darker undercurrent than this troubled 1971 icon.
The subject matter is two-fold, and neither brings any light to the other. Ostensibly the song is about Africans who were sold to New Orleans plantations and raped by their white masters. The connotations of this horrific overture were then played upon to impart the metaphorical double meaning of being a slave to the narcotic demands of brown heroin.
- Far Out
15 avr. 2021
Fumetti: The Collection Of Finest Examples Of Sleazy Lowbrow Art The World Has Ever Known
Italian comics also known as fumetto, plural form fumetti. The most popular Italian comics have been translated into many languages. The term fumetto (literally little puff of smoke) refers to the distinctive word balloons that contain the dialog in comics (also called nuvoletta, “little cloud”, in Italian).
Sure, these grindhouse movie posters could get racy and over-the-top, but nothing compares to the fumetti in terms of jaw-dropping sleaze performed with artistic skill.
- Design you Trust
12 avr. 2021
The Quest for a Floating Utopia
Can casting away from established society to inhabit sea-based colonies save us from the problems of modern life—or are we bound to repeat our mistakes?
- Hakai Magazine
7 avr. 2021
Friends by Robin Dunbar review – how important are your pals?
The psychologist’s fascinating study of friendship finds that the quality of our relationships determines our health, happiness and chance of a long life.
- The Guardian
Far too many people think sex worker parents are unfit to raise kids. But OnlyFans is helping these performers grow as moms and dads — even with their future at stake
- MEL Magazine