30 oct. 2021


Weird And Wonderful Illustrated Letters From A 16th Century Songbook

The Songbook of Zeghere van Male contains local and international 500 year old songs and motets. Made in 1542, the 1200-page long book is rich in illuminations, depicting ornamental and historiated initials and interlinear drawings not necessarily related to its content.

Also known by its call number MS 125-128 in Cambrai’s Mediathèque Municipale, the late Medieval work consists of four complementary part-books: Superius, Altus, Tenor, & Bass. And each part features bizarre, amusing and scatological illustrated letters.

- Flashbak

29 oct. 2021


Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Sade (et plus encore)

Autant admiré que controversé, Sade est un personnage doublement sulfureux : par ses actes et par ses écrits, véritables catalogues de perversions sexuelles. Emprisonné au XVIIIe siècle, vilipendé, condamné aux éditions clandestines, "le divin marquis" est devenu synonyme d’une pratique sexuelle réprouvée : le sadisme. Sade sera pourtant partiellement réhabilité, influencera largement les intellectuels français et sera porté aux nues par les plus grands : de Baudelaire à Giacometti, de Pasolini à Simone de Beauvoir. Aujourd’hui, certains vont même jusqu’à faire de Sade une figure féministe. A l’occasion de l’entrée du manuscrit des "120 journées de Sodome" dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, "Le Doc Stupéfiant" propose un portait inédit d’un libertin sans limite.

- PileFace.com

27 oct. 2021


The Truck Stop Killer

He was methodical, he rode the highways, and he preyed on teenage girls. Girls who'd run away. Girls no one would miss. In the summer of 1985, the author was such a girl. One night on I-95, she hitched a ride from a stranger and endured the most terrifying moments of her life. Now, years later, she returns to the scenes of her fugitive youth looking for clues to that terror—and the girls who lost their lives to it.

- GQ

19 oct. 2021


How to Deal With Living in a State of Perpetual Crisis

At this moment, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the state of the world. We are facing an unprecedented climate disaster, the impact of which is already causing droughts, famine, flooding, wildfires, and mass extinction events. The political situation on the national and global level feels perpetually tenuous. And we continue to suffer through a seemingly unending pandemic, one that has thus far killed more than 680,000 Americans and 4.5 million people across the globe. To put it mildly, things are not going great.

- lifehacker

14 oct. 2021


The Secrets of The World’s Greatest Freediver

With only a single breath, Alexey Molchanov, history’s most daring freediver, is reaching improbable depths—and discovering a new kind of enlightenment as he conquers one of the world’s wildest sports.

For all the complex techniques required to succeed, the objective is remarkably simple: Go as deep as you can go on one breath and return to the surface without passing out or dying.

This is the point of freediving. At least the competitive point. And here in the Bahamas, 42 divers from around the world have gathered, like filings to a magnet, at a geological marvel called a blue hole, in this case a 660-foot elevator shaft of ocean water, to see how many stories they can plunge themselves down.

- GQ

Etienne Daho - If (duo avec Charlotte Gainsbourg) - Clip officiel