23 sept. 2022
Found Photos: The Internet K-Hole
We love Found Photos, anonymous snapshots found in flea markets, skips, attics and auctions. Bronwyn, of the Internet K Hole, collects found photos from the 1970s, ’80s and early ’90s.”
They are baldy focused and skew-whiff, seemingly taken by people most probably drunk, laughing or both. They are exactly the kind of pictures we love.
- Flashbak
Why Casanova Continues to Seduce Us
In 1763, the young James Boswell finished his “London Journal,” one of the frankest accounts of high and low life in the eighteenth century. The following year, he embarked on a Grand Tour. In a Berlin tavern, he encountered a certain Neuhaus. This voluble personage of thirty-nine, unusually tall, with a dark complexion and affected manners, was an Italian who “wanted to shine as a great philosopher,” Boswell wrote, “and accordingly doubted of his own existence and everything else. I thought him a blockhead.”
The “blockhead” had also been travelling around Europe, although not on a patrician’s leisurely inspection of art and ruins. Giacomo Casanova, whose surname means “new house,” practiced many trades—violinist, gambler, spy, Kabbalist, soldier, man of letters—but his main line of work, he later admitted, was deceiving fools.
- The New Yorker
Love drugs are coming – but are we ready?
Are you racked with an overwhelming feeling of visceral repulsion at the mere sight of your partner, but cannot bear the thought of re-downloading Hinge just to end up in ‘talking stage’ purgatory for six months? Good news: a new drug that could help failing relationships could be made available in the next “three to five years”, according to an Oxford University academic.
22 sept. 2022
Le langage des fesses
Que nous disent les fesses magnifiées dans l’art, depuis la sculpture antique jusqu’aux clips des stars d’aujourd’hui ?
Entre fascination érotique selon le regard masculin, féminité idéale, revendication anti-maigreur, promotion commerciale, ou même message théologique, les fesses, qu’elles soient féminines ou masculines, ont servi de support à bien des messages à travers les siècles.
- The Conversation
8 sept. 2022
'Flesh of the Gods': The Trippy History of Magic Mushrooms
With magic mushrooms seemingly being used more widely than ever, it's high time we look at the ancient history of psychotropic fungi.
All roads lead to magic mushrooms in Huautla de Jiménez, a remote town in the mountains of northern Oaxaca, Mexico. Its cabs feature images of hallucinogenic fungi and they bring travellers through an official municipal arch decorated with mushrooms, to a taxi rank named after María Sabina, former resident and world famous Mazatec shaman, rumoured to have been visited by the likes of Bob Dylan and John Lennon.
- Vice