27 oct. 2011

Jongler avec deux Rubik Cube, en resoudre un troisieme

David Calvo est un espagnol passé maitre dans l'art du Rubik Cube. Dans sa dernière vidéo, il a ajouté un peu de difficulté en jonglant avec deux exemplaires du célèbre casse-tête d'une main, pendant qu'il en résolvait un troisième de l'autre. Ça ne sert à rien mais c'est l'fun.


Que fait Facebook avec vos donnees effacées?

L’appétit vorace de Facebook pour les données personnelles n’est un secret pour personne. Régulièrement, son estomac numérique gargouille auprès de ses membres pour réclamer son dû. « Donnez-moi votre numéro de mobile, que je puisse renvoyer votre mot de passe en cas d’oubli ! » « Expliquez-moi vos opinions politiques, que je puisse mieux cibler mes publicités ! » « Dites-moi ce que vous lisez, ce que vous écoutez, ce que vous regardez, ce que vous cuisinez, que vos amis puissent en profiter ! » Et la plupart des 800 millions d’inscrits, dociles, jettent leurs gros steaks de vie privée dans la gueule béante du réseau social. Ce que personne ne semble savoir, en revanche, c’est que le monstre est dépourvu de système digestif. Il se contente de stocker les données, toujours plus de données, sans jamais en effacer aucune.


Museum Of Old Soviet Cars

An outdoor museum of cars widely used in the Soviet times is located in the Tula region. The ‘Auto-USSR’ museum draws its support from efforts of the local management and public subscriptions.

-English RussiaLien

Modern Family

Plural relationships have gotten a bad name, thanks to lascivious cult leaders like Warren Jeffs. But there's a whole other type of multi-partner love gaining popularity: polyandry, in which a woman settles down with two or more men. And it's more common than you might think.


25 oct. 2011

Does Absence Actually Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

A new book suggests that getting away from each other for prolonged periods of time is good for the health of your marriage.



Soulcatcher Studio is pleased to present SurfLand, by Joni Sternbach. SurfLand is an ongoing project of contemporary portraits of surfers created using the historic wet-plate collodion process. This very labor-intensive process has changed little since its invention in the 1850s. The photographs are a unique blending of subject matter and photographic technique. Part craft and part theatre, the instantaneous wet-plate collodion process allows Sternbach to create one-of-a-kind tintypes that are imbued with a feeling of ambiguity, timelessness and mystery.


The Amazing Story of California's Greatest Cat Burglar

High above the Encino Reservoir, streets curl like ribbons atop the Santa Monica Mountains. Evergreens shield the well-tended lawns from prying eyes. On a sleepy afternoon in February 2006, a white pickup rolls to a stop near the peach-colored house where a prosperous electronics importer lives with his wife and their son. The truck is an ordinary 1992 Dodge. There's nothing unusual about the driver who exits the vehicle and moves toward the family's home. He is clean-cut and darkly handsome, with intense eyes and the physique of a middleweight boxer. He wears running shoes, board shorts, and a sun visor. He could be a contractor, a gardener, or a houseguest. He could pass for a man in his twenties or thirties. He could be just about anyone, and that is precisely the impression he wants to leave.


Hummingbird smuggler caught with his pants down

In 2010, French customs officers at the Rochambeau airport in Cayenne, French Guiana after noticing some suspicious bulges, conducted an intimate pat-down of a Dutch tourist and found some tiny parcels in some very personal space.


20 oct. 2011

19 oct. 2011

Window Phone : Blow Your Cell Phone to Write A Text Message

The Window Phone is a concept mobile phone that is able to transform its appearance like a window as per the weather. The phone is designed as a thin, clear and transparent plastic sheet, which remains clear during a sunny day, becomes humid during a rainy day and takes a dump outlook during a snowy day. The user can write text messages or draw pictures on the phone in different weather conditions which will later transform and show as SMS characters. The screen features sensitive interaction with the user and comprises the state of a window in different weather conditions.


Find Out Why This Could Be The Greatest Wedding Photo Of All Time

Yeah, that’s a cute wedding photo. But what makes it special? And why on Earth would I call it one of the greatest of all time? Well, let’s pull back the focus a bit…


Libya War: Stunning Images of Rebels Battling for Sirte

Now that the Libyan rebels have toppled the regime of Moammar Gadhafi, they are turning their attention to the last bastions of his rule: the towns of Sirte and Bani Walid. Witnesses have reported heavy gunfire in both towns as rebels grapple with the final pro-Gadhafi holdouts.

-Int'l Business TimesLien

FiveBooks Interviews : Woody Allen on Inspiration

The film legend discusses books that have resonated with him, from JD Salinger to Elia Kazan and beyond.

-The Browser

America's Secret Empire of Drone Bases

They increasingly dot the planet. There’s a facility outside Las Vegas where “pilots” work in climate-controlled trailers, another at a dusty camp in Africa formerly used by the French Foreign Legion, a third at a big air base in Afghanistan where Air Force personnel sit in front of multiple computer screens, and a fourth at an air base in the United Arab Emirates that almost no one talks about.

And that leaves at least 56 more such facilities to mention in an expanding American empire of unmanned drone bases being set up worldwide.

Huff Post

17 oct. 2011


The Runaway General

The Rolling Stone profile of Stanley McChrystal that changed history

How'd I get screwed into going to this dinner?" demands Gen. Stanley McChrystal. It's a Thursday night in mid-April, and the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan is sitting in a four-star suite at the Hôtel Westminster in Paris. He's in France to sell his new war strategy to our NATO allies – to keep up the fiction, in essence, that we actually have allies. Since McChrystal took over a year ago, the Afghan war has become the exclusive property of the United States. Opposition to the war has already toppled the Dutch government, forced the resignation of Germany's president and sparked both Canada and the Netherlands to announce the withdrawal of their 4,500 troops. McChrystal is in Paris to keep the French, who have lost more than 40 soldiers in Afghanistan, from going all wobbly on him.

-Rolling Stone

William Burroughs on…Led Zeppelin!

Rock Magic: Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin, And a search for the elusive Stairway to Heaven by William Burroughs, Crawdaddy Magazine, June 1975.

When I was first asked to write an article on the Led Zeppelin group, to be based on attending a concert and talking with Jimmy Page, I was not sure I could do it, not being sufficiently knowledgeable about music to attempt anything in the way of musical criticism or even evaluation. I decided simply to attend the concert and talk with Jimmy Page and let the article develop. If you consider any set of data without a preconceived viewpoint, then a viewpoint will emerge from the data.


16 oct. 2011

Cinq bandes dessinées gourmandes

La gastronomie est un art... qui inspire le 9e art. Après avoir envahi les rayons des sections «pratique» des librairies, la voilà qui se taille une place du côté de la bande dessinée. Voici nos suggestions pour lire gourmand sans nécessairement se plonger le nez dans un livre de recettes.


L'ossature prend forme chez l'Impact

Eh bien, la saison est terminée depuis quelques semaines et on jase encore de l'Impact! Parlez-en en bien, parlez-en en mal, mais parlez-en! Voilà qui est de bon augure pour le club alors que la saison de hockey est déjà entamée.

Peu importe qu'elles soient maladroites ou géniales, les dernières annonces ont au moins le mérite d'intriguer médias et partisans. Qui plus est, elles nous donnent quelques indices sur l'allure que pourrait avoir l'équipe en 2012.


Magic mushroom' drug may improve personality long-term

In new research that will almost certainly create controversy, scientists working with the hallucinogen psilocybin -- the active ingredient found in "magic mushrooms" -- have found that a single dose of the drug prompted an enduring but positive personality change in almost 60 percent of patients.


30 Minutes to a Sleek Physique: The No-Equipment Workout You Can Do Anywhere

This workout, designed by Urban Jungle, a bootcamp program based in New York City, can be done anywhere -- at home, at the park or in a hotel room. By using your own body weight as resistance and allowing only 30 seconds of rest between each exercise, you'll get your heart rate up and tone your body all in 30 minutes. You could even squeeze it in while the kids are taking a nap.
