24 nov. 2012

Learning from Psychopaths: Q&A With Psychologist Kevin Dutton

It’s too simplistic to think of psychopaths as being murderers or law-breakers, says Oxford psychologist Kevin Dutton.

In his new book, The Wisdom of Psychopaths, Dutton examines what we can learn from those who lack conscience but are also bold and highly resilient to stress.

What exactly is a psychopath?

No sooner is the word out of someone’s mouth  than images of [serial killers] like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer come to mind. It doesn’t automatically mean that you’re a criminal or serial killer.  When psychologists talk about psychopaths, what we refer to are people with a distinct set of personality characteristics including ruthlessness,  fearlessness, mental toughness, a charismatic personality and lack of conscience and empathy.
