30 mars 2013

24 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Beer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Thanks to hipsters, the common man probably knows more about beer and zythology (“the study of beer and beer making”) than ever before. But did you know the oldest beer ad in recorded history appeared as far back 4000 BC? Or that IPAs were invented because British beer kept spoiling on its way to India, so brewers added more alcohol and more hops just to keep it fresh on the trip? And what about that cenosillicaphobia, huh? The fear of an empty beer glass, held by pretty much everyone and their moms?


Sigur Rós | Sæglópur

27 mars 2013

24 mars 2013

Our Right to Poison: Lessons from the Failed War on Drugs

"Pablo Escobar said to me: 'One shot to the head isn't enough. It has to be two shots, just above the eyes.'"
Jhon Velásquez, nicknamed "Popeye," is sitting on a white plastic chair in the prison yard. "You can survive one shot, but never two. I cut up the bodies and threw them in the river. Or I just left them there. I often drove through Medellín, where I kidnapped and raped women. Then I shot them and threw them in the trash."

5 robots qui vont changer votre vie

"I, Robot", "Wall-E", "A.I"... La réalité rattrape la science-fiction. Dans les travées du salon Innorobo, qui se déroule à Lyon du 19 au 21 mars, l'humain côtoie le robot d'égal à égal. Ces êtres sans âmes sont bichonnés, lustrés et adorés. Ils se baladent, seuls, passent à côté de visiteurs peu surpris. Ils ont parfois deux jambes, six roues ou quatre hélices. Ils ont des visages, simulent des expressions. Ils souhaitent êtres vos amis. Ils aimeraient surtout vous rendre la vie plus facile.

-Nouvel Obs

This Guy Could Be President

If you ever find yourself playing kickball in a New York City park on a pleasant Sunday afternoon—this is no recommendation that you do, kickball being the quintessence of hipster self-infantilization, but if you do find yourself in such a situation—and if, in the middle innings, a strange homeless-looking man appears and asks if he can take a turn at the plate, do not, as may be your temptation, shoo him away in anger and disgust. That man may be Bill Murray.


18 mars 2013

Les dix vins les plus méchants de France

Attention, vins méchants ! Mais c’est quoi, un vin méchant ? C’est un vin qui t’engueule dès l’étiquette, un vin qui te secoue l’idée reçue, un vin qui aboie avant de se laisser boire...

En voici dix qu’on tiendra fermement en laisse, avant de se rouler dans l’herbe avec eux, une fois l’animal bien dressé dans le verre. Parce que ces vins méchants sont surtout très bons.


3 mars 2013

BigPic: Building The World's Tallest Ferris Wheel

When it’s finished, the New York Wheel will stand 625 feet above Staten Island, making it the tallest observation wheel in the world.


DIY Weapons of the Syrian Rebels

Nearly two years after the start of Syria's popular uprising, the conflict has evolved into a slow-moving, brutal civil war with many players and no clear end in sight. Multiple rebel groups across the country continue to fight President Bashar al-Assad's forces, using any weapons they can get their hands on. While the rebels are using many modern weapons, they've also come up with their own makeshift solutions. In these weapons workshops, anti-aircraft guns are welded to pickup trucks and armor shields are attached to machine guns and cars. Mortar shell nose cones are turned on lathes and explosives are mixed by hand. Homemade grenades are launched by jury-rigged shotguns or giant slingshots in the urban battlefields of Aleppo and Damascus. Gathered here are a few examples of the hand-built munitions of the Syrian rebels. [38 photos]

-The Atlantic

Who Owns Illegal Public Street Art Found on Private Buildings?

Who owns public art illegally placed onto private buildings? That’s a question that came up recently after a famous Banksy work in London was ripped out of the side of a building, shipped across the Atlantic, and put up for auction with an estimated final price of over half a million dollars.
