2 mars 2014

Bret Easton Ellis Says We're All a Bunch of Cry-Babies

Bret Easton Ellis has only got to open his mouth for the cry-babies of the world to crawl out and start berating him for being a morally depraved chancer. Back in the 80s and 90s, you could sympathise with people getting offended by his books if they hadn’t spent much time around hedge-fund managers or fashion-world dickheads. If they had, they’d realize that American Psycho and Glamorama are in essence works of journalism—dressed up in Valentino and splattered with blood, yes, but documentaries of a certain moment in history all the same. “The six or seven books add up as a sort of autobiography," he says. "When I look at them I think, Oh, that’s where I was in ’91. That’s where I was in ’88. OK, I got it.
