31 mai 2014
Extremely dangerous lava surf photography
CJ Kale
is reportedly the first person ever to photograph lava entering the
ocean from the surf, swimming near the scalding water and avoiding lava
bombs just a few from where he was standing. Needless to say, the risk of dying is huge but his photographs are awesome. In
2011, he feel into a 20-foot lava tube while shooting the Kilauea
Volcano and shattered his ankle. Here's a video of him taking these
photos in the water, a few feet from the lava.
DPRK 360
DPRK 360 is a photographic project by Aram Pan to capture the essence of North Korea (DPRK) through the use of 360° panoramas, photos and videos.
-DPRK 360
Become A Man's Man With These 65 Life Hacks From Goldman Sachs
What does it mean to be a man today? @GSElevator and NetNet’s John Carney have attempted to break down the chief rules that every man should live by.
As you’d expect from Goldman Sachs, there’s a distinct Wall Street/white collar vibe to many of these pearls of wisdom — you should always tip more than you need to, for example, and your sunglasses need to be incredibly expensive. Some of the advice also seems to have come straight out of the 1960s-set TV show Mad Men (“When in doubt, always kiss the girl”, “Hookers aren’t cool, but remember, the free ones are a lot more expensive.” ) We’ve also omitted some of the more overtly US-centric tips such as the best “rest rooms” in New York. Nevertheless, there are still a few interesting nuggets below that are probably worth adopting into your lifestyle. I’ll definitely be taking up fly-fishing this summer.
15 Confessions From the Waiters Serving Your Food
The number one rule of dining out: treat your waiters right. You have no idea what's really going on behind those kitchen doors.
What Do You Desire?
In San Francisco, people thought differently. They sought to unlink the family from a sexual foundation of two people. They believed in intentional communities that could successfully disrupt the monogamous heterosexual norm. They gave their choices names and they conceived of their actions as social movements. I had come to San Francisco to observe this sexual vanguard, but I did not think their lessons applied to me. “But what is your personal journey?” they would ask, and I would joke about this later with my friends.
Body Language
By a man’s fingernails, by his
coat-sleeve, by his boots, by his trouser-knees, by the calluses of his
forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt-cuffs, by his
movements – by each of these things a man’s calling is plainly revealed.
That all united should fail to enlighten the competent enquirer in any
case is almost inconceivable / Sherlock Holmes, 1892.
The aim of this exhibition is — to become aware of ourselves and of the people around us. Not claiming any in-depth analysis, and hoping that you will take a moment to think about it. It seemed amazing to us that we can try to better understand ourselves or others.
-Bored Panda
Un coup de pub grotesque
(Cannes) À la plage du Carlton, à la soirée qui a suivi la projection de Welcome to New York, film d'Abel Ferrara inspiré de l'affaire DSK, plusieurs invités se
promenaient en peignoir blanc, un sac cadeau à la main, sur lequel était
inscrit « WTNY: Dirty Sex Kit ». À l'intérieur: un fouet, un masque et
des menottes.
Pendant ce temps, au bar, des serveuses « sexy » proposaient des cocktails vodka-curaçao dans des seringues, à côté d'un immense bol de M & M bleus. L'inscription sur les bonbons? Un mot qui commence par V. Deux morceaux de robot si vous avez répondu Viagra...
-La Presse
19 mai 2014
Locker 29
WHEN YOU FALL you have to land, preferably somewhere dimly lit and topless, where funny money is tossed like glitter and there is full contact lap dancing, loose rules and lots of tourism.
I flew to New Orleans with twelve bucks in my pocket. I wasn’t going to get arrested dancing topless on Bourbon Street. “The weather’s ninety degrees with ninety percent humidity,” the stewardess announced on the plane. People moaned but I was ready to be wrapped in southern steam. Out of the airport, I was hit by heat. New Orleans is a sweaty pussy that sticks to your face, soaks into your skin and stays the night.
-The Weeklings
12 Rude Revelations About Sex
In order to transcend the discomfort that sex typically stirs, you may need to radically rethink desire, marriage, fidelity, and much more.
-Psychology Today
I live a simple life
Cuban Pedro Juan Gutiérrez is best known for the cult classic Dirty Havana Trilogy, a steamy, sex-soaked series of short stories about the hell Havana became in the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union stopped giving aid to the Cuban government. Unabashedly autobiographical, the book chronicles Gutiérrez’s desperate, promiscuous efforts to stay sane as his marriage and the economy collapse. Although banned in Cuba, Dirty Havana Trilogy has been published in twenty countries. In addition to his other books set in Havana — Tropical Animal, The Insatiable Spiderman, The King of Havana, and Dog Meat — Gutierrez has published seven works of fiction and eight books of poetry. He continues to live and write in his home city. Earlier this year, after much sleuth work, Nazma Muller tracked him down in his infamous penthouse apartment overlooking the Malecón. This conversation was originally conducted in Spanish.
6 Books That Will Change The Way You Think For The Better
Reading what everyone else reads is good for conversation, perhaps, but it’s not going to help you to think differently. And if you can’t think differently, you’re always going to be a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. With that in mind, here are 5 books that you’ve (probably) never heard of that will help you see things in a new light.
-Business Insider
The Female Sociopath
Amy Dunne of Gone Girl, Lisbeth Salander of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Cersei Lannister of Game of Thrones. If there's one thing these cold, calculating ladies can teach us, it's that we're captivated by the female sociopath. But how did she rise to such prominence in our cultural imagination? The answer has everything to do with corporate "feminists" and the way they teach women to "have it all."
Eyes Over Compton: How Police Spied on a Whole City
This is the future if nothing is done to stop it.
In a secret test of mass surveillance technology, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department sent a civilian aircraft* over Compton, California, capturing high-resolution video of everything that happened inside that 10-square-mile municipality.
-The Atlantic
The big sleep
Imagine it: you have been rushed into the emergency room and you are dying. Your injuries are too severe for the surgeons to repair in time. Your blood haemorrhages unseen from ruptured vessels. The loss of that blood is starving your organs of vital nutrients and oxygen. You are entering cardiac arrest.
But this is not the end. A decision is made: tubes are
connected, machines whir into life, pumps shuffle back and forth.
Ice-cold fluid flows through your veins, chilling them. Eventually, your
heart stops beating, your lungs no longer draw breath. Your frigid body remains there, balanced on the knife-edge of life and death, neither fully one nor the other, as if frozen in time.