31 mai 2014

Become A Man's Man With These 65 Life Hacks From Goldman Sachs

What does it mean to be a man today? @GSElevator and NetNet’s John Carney have attempted to break down the chief rules that every man should live by.

As you’d expect from Goldman Sachs, there’s a distinct Wall Street/white collar vibe to many of these pearls of wisdom — you should always tip more than you need to, for example, and your sunglasses need to be incredibly expensive. Some of the advice also seems to have come straight out of the 1960s-set TV show Mad Men (“When in doubt, always kiss the girl”, “Hookers aren’t cool, but remember, the free ones are a lot more expensive.”
) We’ve also omitted some of the more overtly US-centric tips such as the best “rest rooms” in New York. Nevertheless, there are still a few interesting nuggets below that are probably worth adopting into your lifestyle. I’ll definitely be taking up fly-fishing this summer.
