24 juin 2015

Recalling positive memories reverses stress-induced depression

In a remarkable demonstration of the curative power of memory, scientists have established that artificial reactivation of memories stored during a positive experience can suppress the effects of stress-induced depression. The research shows how positive and negative memories interact in mood disorders, and provides a specific brain circuit for future clinical interventions.

-Science Daily

Les captures d’écran de Kim Jong-il

En 1978, pour doper le cinéma au Nord, le tyran a enlevé deux stars du Sud. Le mois dernier, Kim Jong-un a peut-être fait exécuter son ministre de la Défense au canon antiaérien. Quarante ans auparavant, son père, Kim Jong-il, avait fait enlever deux stars sud-coréennes pour assouvir sa passion du septième art : deux facettes aussi absurdes du régime imposé depuis soixante-dix ans par la dynastie Kim sur la Corée du Nord.


21 juin 2015

It's the Horny Time

Do me a favor and think about how you feel right now. Sun’s out, guns’ out, you got your favorite loose cottons on. When you look around you, does something—perhaps someone—catch your eye? Are you feeling yourself on a more acute level than you’re usually feeling yourself? Is there a constant tingle in your nether regions? Was your friend who wasn’t hot all of a sudden very hot and appealing to you?


Comment écrire à son voisin trop bruyant quand il fait l’amour ?

Ce sont les mots qu’on scotche dans l’ascenseur, ceux qu’on placarde sur une porte ou ceux qu’on dessine... Il y a peu, ma collègue Aurélie Champagne, et Olivier Volpi, qui collabore avec elle sur le blog Chez Francis, ont lancé un tumblr génial : « Chers voisins ». Ils collectionnaient depuis longtemps ces petits mots loufoques de voisins et ont décidé de les regrouper.


20 juin 2015

What to say — and what not to say — on a first date, according to science

What distinguishes a good first date from a bad one? It's pretty much all on display in the famous double-date scene from "When Harry Met Sally." Sally and her terrible date firmly disagree about important topics. Harry and his terrible date are politely uninterested in each other. Then comes the moment where both of their terrible dates click -- with each other. "Nobody has ever quoted me back to me before," Sally's date says to Harry's date in admiration.

-Washington Post

Undercover With the Love Detective

It’s Friday night and I’m holed up in a five-star Manhattan hotel suite with a hot guy and a complimentary bottle of champagne—but all is not what it seems. Because I’m a private investigator, my “hot date” is actually my business partner, and the tiny video cameras I’m unpacking aren’t for sex games. They are for spying on the man who lives across the street.
Our client is a wealthy woman who is concerned that her boyfriend (aka “The Subject”) is dating someone else.

-The Daily Beast

1970s Men’s Fashion Ads You Won’t Be Able To Unsee

The 1970s must have taken place on a different planet. These photos of men’s fashions from that decade leave us drowning in astounding mustard knits, garish patterns, high waists, way-too-skimpy briefs, and other fashion faux pas that defy description 40 years later.

-Bored Panda

Pourquoi James Bond est-il si populaire?

Je n’ai rien d’un disciple de James Bond. J’ai toujours trouvé les films consacrés à ce personnage commerciaux et insignifiants. Le romancier britannique Ian Fleming (1908-1964), créateur du célèbre espion, résumait sa recette par la formule « Bond, Bombs and Blonds » : un espion aventurier, de la violence spectaculaire et de l’érotisme léger. Il ajoutait que ses livres, « des contes de fées pour adultes », s’adressaient aux « mâles au sang chaud ». Rien pour attirer un esprit porté sur les choses intellectuelles, quoi.

-Le Devoir

13 juin 2015

SEAL Team 6: A Secret History of Quiet Killings and Blurred Lines

They have plotted deadly missions from secret bases in the badlands of Somalia. In Afghanistan, they have engaged in combat so intimate that they have emerged soaked in blood that was not their own. On clandestine raids in the dead of the night, their weapons of choice have ranged from customized carbines to primeval tomahawks. Around the world, they have run spying stations disguised as commercial boats, posed as civilian employees of front companies and operated undercover at embassies as male-female pairs, tracking those the United States wants to kill or capture.

-NY Times

Into The Void


Harry Devert Took a Wrong Turn in Mexico, and He Was Never Seen Again

Eight Mexican soldiers form a loose perimeter in the grass, machine guns slack at their sides. Fifty yards back in the direction of the highway, a metal sign along a gravel road announces the entrance to a lonely beach called La Majahua. The men, members of the 75th Infantry Battalion of the Mexican National Defense Forces, are there following up on an anonymous tip about a body. They have found what they were looking for: a motorcycle, caked in dried mud, lying on its side, propped on a woodpile. Two large trash bags, bulging and tied shut, sit beside the bike; a faint odor of decay emanates from them. A seasoned crime reporter at the scene, accustomed to the smell, estimates the remains inside have been decomposing for at least a month. It is 4:30 P.M. on July 10, 2014.


How These Stoner Kids Landed a $300 Million Pentagon Arms Contract

In early 2007, three stoner twentysomethings won a Defense Department contract to supply the Afghan military with $300 million worth of ammunition. "The dudes," as they came to be known—a ninth-grade dropout, a masseur, and a low-level pot dealer, all with little or no experience but plenty of nerve—had begun bidding on Pentagon arms contracts and winning out over massive international conglomerates. The Afghan contract wasn't their first, but it was by far their largest. They would have to source thousands of tons of mortar rounds, grenades, rockets, and 100 million rounds of AK-47 ammunition and deliver all of it to Kabul at a particularly fraught time for the Afghan war effort.

-Mother Jones

9 juin 2015

Porn Furnishings: Sleazy Home Décor from the Decade of Decadence

If you’re looking for elegant interiors, distinctive window and wall treatments, and a fusion of classic and luxury design… you have come to the absolute worst place possible.  I recommend you click away as fast as possible, because your sophisticated sensibilities are about to be bitch-slapped by a motherload of sleazy interiors from the late Seventies and early Eighties. Get out before it’s too late!


7 juin 2015

How to break free from monogamy without destroying marriage

Before online dating, before her two kids, before the Big Conversation with her skeptical husband, Jessie already had an inkling that maybe she wasn’t quite like the ladies she saw at church, that maybe the sexual strictures of life in D.C.’s monied suburbs weren’t for her.

-Washington Post