12 juin 2016

Inside the Real Noah’s Ark buried on an Arctic Island

In the event of Armageddon, I think I know where I’ll be headed now. Buried 390 feet deep inside a sandstone mountain on an island between Norway and the North Pole, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, also known as the doomsday vault, is home to the millions of seeds that could save a post-apocalyptic world. These are the “spare” copies; the back-ups to the back-ups of crop seeds held in the world’s gene banks, sent in by rival nations across the globe. Even North Korea participated and keeps a deposit box there. It is designed to survive the depredations of man, natural disaster, and time. Oh, and the vault also has more than 20,000 marijuana seeds, ensuring weed will indeed survive the apocalypse.

-Messy Nessy Chic