21 déc. 2017

8 Reasons Why You Should Rethink Your Stance on Cheating

In decades of relationship counseling, psychotherapist, relationship expert, and author Esther Perel has seen quite the gamut of experiences on cheating and infidelity. So much so that she could — and did! – fill a whole book with them. Perel's latest work of non-fiction, cheekily titled "The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity" is basically a convincing crash course in rethinking the strict American standards on monogamy and shame around cheating.

Though she's Belgian (not French), Perel recently sat down to answer questions about her book and her views on how cheating should be reframed at New York City's French Institute Alliance Francaise. Here are eight key reasons why we should all relax our views on infidelity a little bit, from probably the foremost scholar on cheating that the world has to offer.
