18 nov. 2019

Massage Parlors with 'Happy Endings' Give These Sex Workers a Decent Living

Often portrayed as hotbeds of human trafficking, workers, owners, and activists say these places can be a safe and reliable option for immigrants.

Amy points to the sign scrawled in black magic marker, Scotch-taped below an anatomical drawing of the human form. "No Sex No Massage Only Body Work," it declares. We're in a small, dark room on the second floor of a brick building on Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing, Queens, the heart of the Asian massage industry in America. Amy, a 40-year-old massage worker—her name, like that of others from the industry who appear in this story, has been changed to protect her identity—is clad in a not particularly seductive outfit: a canary yellow t-shirt and black leggings, a royal blue visor atop her head, black hair pulled back in a ponytail. 

- Vice