26 janv. 2013
Inside the American Brothel
If Zagat did a guide to brothels, they might want to consider a consultation with photographer Marc McAndrews. After all, McAndrews spent five years photographing 33 of Nevada’s (legal) brothels for Nevada Rose: Inside the American Brothel (Umbrage Editions).
It might not get weirder than this
- Go to North Korea if you can. It is very, very strange.
- If it is January, disregard the above. It is very, very cold.
- Nothing I'd read or heard beforehand really prepared me for what we saw.
Brooding Cityscapes Painted with Oils by Jeremy Mann
San Francisco-based artist Jeremy Mann lives and works in San Francisco where he executes these sublime, moody cityscapes using oil paints.
18 janv. 2013
17 janv. 2013
The End of Courtship?
MAYBE it was because they had met on OkCupid. But when the dark-eyed musician with artfully disheveled hair asked Shani Silver, a social media and blog manager in Philadelphia, out on a “date” Friday night, she was expecting at least a drink, one on one.
Adonna Khare and her Pencil
Originally hailing from a small town in Iowa, Adonna Khare was this year’s recipient of the Art Prize 2012 for her amazingly detailed large-scale pencil on paper works. All of
Khare’s work evolve naturally without much pre-planning, essentially
building her pieces as she continues to work.
We’re Going To Pump You Up
With January halfway gone and exercise resolutions fading rapidly, a look at photographer Brian Finke’s series on bodybuilding contests, “Most Muscular” might resuscitate your desire to pump iron. Or, it might not.
Take a ride back in time: Evocative vintage photos of America's drive-in movie theaters
The drive-in movie theatre is an archetypal symbol of old-fashioned America. Featuring in popular films from Grease to Twister, the magic of parking up at the cinema is now an almost forgotten pleasure. So LIFE.com has turned the camera on the audience again in this stylish collection of images.
-Mail Online
-Mail Online
15 janv. 2013
Everything We Know So Far About Drone Strikes
You might have heard about the “kill list.” You’ve certainly heard about
drones. But the details of the U.S. campaign against militants in
Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia -- a centerpiece of the Obama
administration’s national security approach – remain shrouded in
secrecy. Here’s our guide to what we know—and what we don’t know.
-Pro Publica
-Pro Publica
Death: A self-portrait
Our major winter exhibition showcases some 300 works froma unique collection devoted to the iconography of death and ourcomplex and contradictory attitudes towards it. Assembled by
Richard Harris, a former antique print dealer based in Chicago, the
collection is spectacularly diverse, including art works,
historical artefacts, scientific specimens and ephemera from across
the world.
-wellcome collection
-wellcome collection
How Did Humans Figure Out That Sex Makes Babies?
Basically, since the beginning. While anthropologists and evolutionary
biologists can’t be precise, all available evidence suggests that humans
have understood that there is some relationship between copulation and childbirth since Homo sapiens
first exhibited greater cognitive development, sometime between the
emergence of our species 200,000 years ago and the elaboration of human
culture probably about 50,000 years ago.
12 janv. 2013
Planking 18+
"Mr. Kendum (co-founder of Planking Holland ®) assigned photographer Angga Pratama for an exclusive Planking series."
All shot in 013 Tilburg, Holland
Les 30 pires erreurs de traduction québécoise 2012
Protégez-vous à publié un excellent top de fin d’année où l’on peut voir le meilleur des pires traductions. C’est du méga bonbon!
-Petit Petit Gamin
A Few Too Many
Of the miseries regularly inflicted on humankind, some are so minor and
yet, while they last, so painful that one wonders how, after all this
time, a remedy cannot have been found. If scientists do not have a cure
for cancer, that makes sense. But the common cold, the menstrual cramp?
The hangover is another condition of this kind. It is a preventable
malady: don’t drink. Nevertheless, people throughout time have found
what seemed to them good reason for recourse to alcohol. One attraction
is alcohol’s power to disinhibit—to allow us, at last, to tell off our
neighbor or make an improper suggestion to his wife. Alcohol may also persuade us that we have found the truth about life, a comforting experience rarely available in the sober hour.
-The New Yorker
-The New Yorker
Fâché noir contre le vin
Quand je bois un verre de vin rouge, j’ai l’habitude de me livrer à un petit exercice tout simple : j’essaie d’y reconnaître au moins une odeur
et une saveur. Je le fais tourner dans ma coupe afin qu’il libère tous
ses arômes et puis je le hume, à la recherche de son odeur
caractéristique. Le cuir ? La cerise noire ? Le petit fruit rouge
confituré ? Ici, je me risque avec « réglisse ».
The Self in Self-Help
In The Age of Anxiety, W.H. Auden observed that we human beings
never become something without pretending to be it first. The corollary
is more prosaic but, regrettably, at least as true: We humans never become most of the things we pretend we will someday be. Nevertheless,
last Monday, you and I and several billion other incorrigible optimists
raised our glasses and toasted all the ways we will be different in
3 janv. 2013
Three Quick and Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind
Neuroscience tells us that, to be more productive and creative, we need
to give our brains a break. It's the quiet mind that produces the best
insights. But it's a challenge to take that sort of time off in the
midst of a busy day. Here are three specific, quick, and easy ways to build purposeful break time into your day.