30 nov. 2014

Stampeders, Tiger-Cats ready to battle for 102nd Grey Cup

All that's left now is to play the game. The Calgary Stampeders and Hamilton Tiger-Cats have finished all their preparations leading up to Sunday's game and are now ready to face off for the Grey Cup.


This Polish Coffin Company Has The Smartest (Or Most Offensive) Marketing Tactic Ever

A sexy blonde model with her butt exposed, champagne in hand…towing a coffin. A bride…straddling a coffin. A woman with a sword….sitting on a coffin. Models in body paint…with coffins. 


The Layover - Paris

In Paris, Tony does as the French do. He sips coffee at Le Pure Café, sits down at Le Dome for an enormous shellfish tower, discovers the lost art of bread baking and indulges in a guilty pleasure: a duck press.

29 nov. 2014

Le Coup de Grâce

Bonjour! Mon nom est Samuel Joubert et je suis accro à la bonne bouffe. Je suis aussi photographe et styliste culinaire. L’histoire remonte à longtemps mais en gros, j’ai toujours voulu prendre des notes de mes créations et les photographier par la suite. Voici le résultat final! Je ne suis pas un chef professionnel, loin de là. Par contre, j’aime l’aventure et j’ose essayer des nouvelles choses, surtout en cuisine! Bon, je l’avoue, j’ai clairement un côté grand-mère que j’assume. J’aime les vieilles fourchettes rouillées, les linges de table déchirés et les assiettes artisanales avec des canards dessus. ET PUIS? L'important est de s'amuser. Notez bien, ce site n’existerait pas sans l’aide précieuse de mon équipe, à qui je donne un grand mérite. Bon appétit et si j’étais vous, je détacherais ma ceinture tout de suite…

-Le Coup de Grâce

Huîtres en gelée de cidre de glace et d'aneth

- 16 huîtres creuses
- 1 échalote hachée très finement
- 90 ml de cidre de glace
- 2 feuilles de gélatine neutre
- 30 ml d’aneth haché
- poivre du moulin 

-Le Devoir

Salvador Dali’s cookbook is every bit as insane as you would expect it to be

In 1973, French publisher Felicie put out a remarkable “cookbook” (quotation marks are important here) by the great Surrealist master Salvador Dalí. It delivers everything you would expect from such a volume: visual flair, a winking sense of humor, a disregard for accepted norms, and a heightened feeling for the absurd. The book was called Les Diners de Gala—I think the idea here is a conflation of a “gala dinner” and his wife, whose name, of course, was Gala. 

-Dangerous Minds

Scientist: Cats think you are just a big, stupid cat

Anthrozoologist John Bradshaw insists that cats really aren't terribly domesticated and think that humans are the same species as them, but oddly "non-hostile."


25 nov. 2014

23 nov. 2014

Sexy Women Sitting On Vibrators Reading Sexy Books

Clayton Cubitt is a pretty rad photographer. In 2012, he started a series of videos called Hysterical Literature. Shot in black and white these seven vids (so far) feature seven different ladies (so far) reading from a book of their choice while sitting on a vibrator and bringing themselves to orgasm for art.The first video features my fav adult performer, Stoya, reading from Necrophilia Variations by Supervert (the only book in the series I haven’t read and must now get my hands on).

-Thought Catalog

Why Independent Bookstores Are More Than Just Places to Buy Books

Like the independent bookstores he photographs, Bryan David Griffith is a bit of a throwback. He does have an email address, but if you want to reach him on the phone, you have to dial a landline, and most likely track him down through his answering machine. His yearlong project covering more than 20 independent bookstores around the country was photographed with a large-format film camera; he travels to each location from his home in Arizona via a makeshift camper in which he sleeps, loads film, and stores his equipment.


Why Read New Books?

Hasn’t it all been done before? Perhaps better than anyone today could ever do it? If so, why read contemporary novels, especially when so many of the classics are available at knockdown prices and for the most part absolutely free as e-books? I just downloaded for free the original Italian of Ippolito Nievo’s Confessions of an Italian. It’s beautifully written. I’m learning a lot about eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Italy. It’s 860 pages long. A few more finds like that and my reading time will all be accounted for. Why go search out the difficult contemporary author?

-NY Books

Blaise Renaud, le libraire rebelle

À 29 ans, Blaise Renaud, héritier du groupe Renaud-Bray, veut changer les règles du commerce du livre. Et tant pis pour les partisans de la solidarité livresque. Portrait d’un businessman qui n’a jamais voulu être un artiste. 

Je n’ai pas la berlue. Dans le bureau où me reçoit le PDG du plus grand réseau de librairies francophones d’Amérique, les murs sont tapissés d’images de femmes nues. Il y a des affiches de films pornos des années 1960 et 1970 aux titres aussi évocateurs que… The Pink Pussy et Rent-a-Girl. Une œuvre pop art représentant une pin-up flambant nue, penchée dans une posture lascive. Et le clou de la collection, une photo grand format d’Anne-Marie Losique à poil sur son cheval, dédicacée au crayon-feutre : « À Blaise, mon homme préféré, forever yours. XOXO »


I’m 41, Single and Pregnant. Welcome to the New Normal

Hello, I’m Rachel. I’m 41, single and pregnant. Taken together, these three elements tend to act as sad little modifiers for each other. “Single” is usually applied to women as though they are a problem to be fixed. “41” is usually past the age when people consider your problem fixable (let’s just say the concerned clucking about when I would get married and have kids ended abruptly at 40). “Pregnant” — well, everyone seems to have ideas about what women ought to be doing with their uteri. Some of you may even feel sorry for me, all alone with no husband to rub my feet. (This is a pregnancy book staple, I am discovering.) I know how it looks: at 41, single and pregnant, I’m a sad, lonely outlier. But it’s 2014. I’m not.


The Real Roots of Midlife Crisis

What a growing body of research reveals about the biology of human happiness—and how to navigate the (temporary) slump in middle age

This summer, a friend called in a state of unhappy perplexity. At age 47, after years of struggling to find security in academia, he had received tenure. Instead of feeling satisfied, however, he felt trapped. He fantasized about escape. His reaction had taken him by surprise. It made no sense. Was there something wrong with him? I gave him the best answer I know. I told him about the U-curve.

-The Atlantic

22 nov. 2014

Skating through an Abandoned Psych Ward (with a Hidden Bowling Alley)

Some of us like to poke around forgotten places to document and explore, some of us feel an insatiable need to revisit the past and some of us, just need a place to skate. The folks at Jenkem mag sent skater Rob Miceli and fellow skater/ filmographer Sean Colello down to an abandoned psychiatric hospital in New York state for a nostalgic ride through its maze of boarded up halls and subterranean tunnel networks. 

-Messy Nessy Chic

The Surprising Calm of Israel’s Many Bomb Shelters

In Israel, where war is a constant threat, bomb shelters are a fairly everyday part of the landscape. Like New York’s subway stations, they blend naturally into their environments while maintaining individual personalities. And, as Brooklyn-based Daniel Terna found out, they’re generally left unlocked, ready for use or for the occasional photographer to explore.


The Man Who Got America High

He chartered the Rolling Stones and Grateful Dead in private jets, while smuggling planeloads of Pablo Escobar’s drugs on the side. After disappearing for decades, Alfred Dellentash Jr. finally shares his unbelievable life story—for the very first time.


Moss Balls of Lake Myvatn and Lake Akan

Moss Balls or marimo (Japanese for "ball seaweed"), also known by various names such as Cladophora ball and Lake ball, is a species of filamentous green algae named Aegagropila linnaei that grow into large green balls with a velvety appearance. These balls grow to sizes of 12 to 30 cm across, depending on where you find them. Marimos are rare and is known to occur only in Iceland, Scotland and Japan, primarily Lake Akan in Japan and Lake Mývatn in Iceland. Recently, moss balls appeared in a large numbers on Dee Why Beach, in Sydney, the first such spotting of this algae in the southern hemisphere.

-Amusing Planet

Mines de la mort, espions chinois : le docu qui dégoûte des smartphones

Pour ceux qui n’ont pas vu l’émission, que vous pouvez retrouver en replay ici, nous avons retenu cinq séquences fortes et demandé à Martin Boudot de nous les commenter. On l’a appelé sur son portable : « C’est un iPhone 5S mais j’ai décidé de le filer à quelqu’un et j’ai commandé le dernier Fairphone [qui se revendique smartphone équitable, ndlr]. Je n’aurai plus jamais d’iPhone, compte tenu de ce que j’ai appris sur la marge d’Apple, 340 euros hors marketing sur un 5S, et la façon dont l’information est cadenassée. »


How Was Terracotta Army Made?

A massive army of terracotta warriors, commissioned by China's first emperor in 246 BC, has mesmerized archaeologists since its discovery in 1974. Slowly, researchers have learned the secrets of the amazing clay statues, including how they were painted, but were still puzzled by how their realistic features were created.


15 nov. 2014

Lady Sensuality Avec Reyno from Funn Foto on Vimeo.

This Is What It Is Like To Lose Everything To Sex Addiction

I don’t like calling myself a sex addict. When people hear that term most of them tend to have one of three reactions. Some people think sex addiction doesn’t exist, that it is just a made-up term to excuse bad behavior. A second group thinks that a sex addict is a crazy, out-of-control freak who thinks of nothing but getting laid every second of every day. The third group thinks it sounds fun: “What are you complaining about, man? You get laid all the time and you think it’s a problem?

-Business Insider

Jean-Marc et ses escorts : « Je ne suis pas un salaud »

Ma vie sexuelle était vraiment un désastre. Je crois que le contact physique est un besoin primal car ça me faisait me sentir vraiment très mal d’en manquer. J’ai une libido assez importante, je crois, et j’étais sevré. Je savais que pour mon équilibre, il fallait que je trouve une solution.


Bleu nuit. Histoire d’une cinéphilie nocturne

Par le défunt Bleu nuit, émission qui a habité les fins de soirée entre 1986 et 2007, Télévision Quatre-Saisons a donné deux mémorables décennies de rendez-vous coquins aux spectateurs. Une première sur la télé généraliste. Cette série de films dégourdis, tirant autant vers le film d’auteur et le thriller érotique que vers le nanar affligeant, était plus qu’une simple plage horaire. La preuve est reliée sous la couverture de Bleu nuit. Histoire d’une cinéphilie nocturne.

-Le Devoir