29 mars 2015

Chronicles of an Affair with his Secretary, Found in an Abandoned Suitcase

The briefcase was found three decades after the affair took place, abandoned in a German apartment and later sold at auction. The contents of the suitcase, an extraordinary collection of found materials that chronicled the adulterous relationship between a businessman and his secretary in the late 1960s and 70s, are now on display for all to see at an art gallery in New York.

-Messy Nessy Chic

Meet the New Bitch - The curious evolution of a slur

In December, The Oxford English Dictionary added bitchingly to its pages, dating it to a 1923 letter from Ernest Hemingway: “I’m so … damned, bitchingly, sickeningly tired that anything I do will be of little value.” The citation feels appropriate: Hemingway adored the word bitch and its derivatives, applying them not just to women but also to bad editors, Spanish dictators, and enormous deer

-The Atlantic

Les 50 ans d'On the Road - Kerouac voulait écrire en français

Alors qu'on célèbre le 50e anniversaire de la parution d'On the Road, la découverte de manuscrits inédits à New York par Le Devoir montre que l'écrivain souhaitait écrire en français et qu'il avait même commencé son roman le plus connu dans sa langue maternelle!

-Le Devoir

The Fact and Fiction of 'On the Road'

If you are so much as a leisurely fan of American fiction, you likely already know the story of how On the Road came into the world—how, in April 1951, the novel spewed forth from Jack Kerouac in an almost magical reverie that lasted a full three weeks of days and nights in a Chelsea loft, as he wrote without pause on a 120-foot-long scroll. Likely fueled by Benzedrine (although he claimed to have taken in nothing stronger than coffee), Kerouac wrote the novel as fast as he could think it, and in doing so defined a generation and helped solidify a nation’s love affair with the road trip. Few events in literary history have captured the public imagination with such force.


Boréal publiera des inédits de Kerouac écrits en français

Les éditions du Boréal ont annoncé mardi, par voie de communiqué, qu’elles ont conclu une entente avec les héritiers de Jack Kerouac pour la publication de textes inédits écrits en français. Le français était la langue maternelle de l’auteur d’On the Road, né dans la communauté franco-américaine de Lowell, au Massachusetts, mais aucun de ses textes écrits dans cette langue n’a été publié à ce jour.

-Le Devoir

Amazing Photographs and the Stories Behind Them

This photo was taken from the International Space Station by astronaut Barry Wilmore, the commander of Expedition 42 and one of six astronauts currently on board. Expedition 42 has been on the ISS since September 2014 and will return to Earth in March. Of the photo Wilmore adds, “Spain looks like it is floating away from Africa”.

-Crack Two

Before I Go: A Stanford neurosurgeon’s parting wisdom about life and time

In residency, there’s a saying: The days are long, but the years are short. In neurosurgical training, the day usually began a little before 6 a.m., and lasted until the operating was done, which depended, in part, on how quick you were in the OR. A resident’s surgical skill is judged by his technique and his speed. You can’t be sloppy and you can’t be slow. From your first wound closure onward, spend too much time being precise and the scrub tech will announce, “Looks like we’ve got a plastic surgeon on our hands!” Or say: “I get your strategy — by the time you finish sewing the top half of the wound, the bottom will have healed on its own. Half the work — smart!” A chief resident will advise a junior: “Learn to be fast now — you can learn to be good later.” Everyone’s eyes are always on the clock. For the patient’s sake: How long has the patient been under anesthesia? During long procedures, nerves can get damaged, muscles can break down, even causing kidney failure. For everyone else’s sake: What time are we getting out of here tonight?

-Washington Post

Des drones capables de planter un milliard d'arbres par an

Changer le monde... un milliard d’arbres à la fois. Tel est le leitmotiv de Lauren Fletcher et de son entreprise, BioCarbon Engineering, qui se sont récemment illustrés au concours international Drones for Goods avec leur projet de drone capable de planter 36 000 arbres par jour, comme le rapporte Futura-Sciences.


Photos of the Amazing and Gruesome World Under a Microscope

The strangest sights in the universe could be right in front of you — if you could only see at a small enough scale. The microscopic universe is full of beautiful and terrifying sights, including monsters and treasures. Check out some of the greatest microscopy images of all time.


22 mars 2015

21 mars 2015

Narcos Anonymous

It was April 2013 and the FBI had a unique lineup on their hands. Working with local SWAT officers and an air support helicopter from the Texas Department of Public Safety, agents stormed the Cine El Rey, a historic downtown theater. Making their way to the dressing rooms, they arrested six luchadors—masked wrestlers of the Mexican sport of lucha librewho had come north to perform in a showcase.


Lost in a Paradise: {WWII Memories} Vintage Vernacular from Another Earth

It really must have been something to find yourself in a strange new world, another Earth far away from the hometown you left months before. You might never want to leave. You might hope to be left on a deserted island for the rest of your days; left alone by the complications of society. Malick does a great job at creating this world, and you can get an even cooler glimpse into this world by digging into the world of vintage vernacular.

-The Eye of Faith

The World’s Best Outdoor Bathtubs - These 9 open-air tubs are worth traveling for.

Taking a bath outside sounds dreamy, but it isn’t exactly easy. For one, it’s not like you can just plop your tub outside in your backyard, which may be why hotels and lodges that give you the option for a little alfresco soaking right in your room are becoming more and more common. Still, it takes more than a basin under the big sky to make an outdoor bath go from gimmick to glorious. How so? Check out the nine incredible outdoor tubs at these hotels and you’ll soon understand.


I’m Married. I’m a Woman. I’m Addicted to Porn

It’s past two a.m. and my husband’s breathing has become long and even. An opportunity presents itself. I slip my right hand down my pajama pants and move slowly, careful not to bump my elbow into his side rib, or bring my hips into it. Too much movement or sound will wake him, and to be found out for something like this is not just embarrassing but potentially destructive. He’ll think he doesn't satisfy me, and men do not like feeling inadequate, especially when it comes to matters of the bedroom. Or maybe he’ll feel sorry for me. And who wants to fuck someone they pity?


16 mars 2015

15 mars 2015

40 of the world's weirdest flowers

Seed pods that look like skulls. Chrysanthemums that resemble spiders. Orchids with the appearance of monkey vampires. Enjoy these freaky flowers.

-boing boing

Meet the Surfing Girls of Iran

They look like female warriors of a legendary tribe that only descend from the red mountains when they sense a truly great wave. But recently, these warrior women with their bright and colourful boards are staying a little longer by the water, tempting their fate a little further as they single-handedly pioneer the sport of surfing in Iran and see stereotypes get wiped-out by their waves.

-Messy Nessy Chic

Britain's Premier 'Magic Mushroom Explorer' Says Shrooms Could Change the World

British author Simon G. Powell thinks he'd have had a slightly less eventful job had he never discovered magic mushrooms. "Fuck knows—probably working in a bookshop or something," he says when I ask him to speculate. Instead of chasing up late DVD returns, however, the 50-year-old has just released his second book about shrooms, titled Magic Mushroom Explorer: Psilocybin and the Awakening Earth. Psilocybin—if you haven't already been informed via those glow-in-the-dark velvet posters at your local record shop—is a psychedelic tryptamine compound found in around 200 types of mushrooms worldwide. Or, in layman's terms, the stuff that makes you see weird shit when you eat them


700 films rares et gratuits disponibles ici et maintenant

C'est un cadeau immense comme seul internet peut nous en offrir. Plus de 700 films rares totalement gratuits, disponible immédiatement grâce au site OpenCulture qui se bat pour éduquer et donc transmettre le meilleur de la culture totalement gratuite sur le web. On ne peut alors s’empêcher de céder aux sirènes cinématographiques qui sont ici multiples et très sophistiquées.


14 mars 2015