31 août 2015
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Traveling Alone as a Woman
I have hitchhiked for almost fifteen
years, in over 60 countries and on four continents. During those years I have lived many adventures, and I have had the time of my life, as
simple as that. Yet, people you meet randomly often assume hitchhiking
is a deathwish. Hitchhikers of both genders are usually aware that
hitchhiking carries a potentially serious risk.
-Go Nomad
Guided Busways
Between Cambridge, Huntingdon and St Ives in the English county of Cambridgeshire, runs a special bus service over a special route that consist of two narrow concrete rails instead of a regular asphalt road. The buses travel with each set of wheels over the parallel rails, just like a train.
-Amusing Planet
30 août 2015
Little girl spends her childhood among wild animals
The childhood of a French girl Tippi Degre sounds more like a newer version of Mowgli, rather than something real. A white child, she was born in Namibia to French wildlife photographer parents, and grew up in Africa. Tippi spent her whole childhood playing with wild animals including lion cubs, a mongoose, a snake, a cheetah, baby zebra, giraffes and crocodiles.
For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II
Siberian summers do not last long. The
snows linger into May, and the cold weather returns again during
September, freezing the taiga into a still life awesome in its
desolation: endless miles of straggly pine and birch forests scattered
with sleeping bears and hungry wolves; steep-sided mountains;
white-water rivers that pour in torrents through the valleys; a hundred
thousand icy bogs. This forest is the last and greatest of Earth’s wildernesses.
29 août 2015
Zen and the Art of Dying Well
What is the “right” way to die? We’re experiencing a zeitgeist moment about that. “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End,” by Atul Gawande, is a best-selling book. Videos by Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old who wanted to die in a way of her own choosing, went viral last year. And in more than 20 countries, thousands of people have dined and discussed dying through a project called “Death Over Dinner.”
-NY Times
Email from a Married, Female Ashley Madison User
Ever since I wrote on Thursday about the Ashley Madison hack and resulting reactions and consequences, I’ve heard from dozens of people who used the site. They offer a remarkably wide range of reasons for having done so. I’m posting below one email I received that I find particularly illuminating, which I very lightly edited to correct a few obvious typographical errors:
-The Intercept
The Science Of Love In The 21st Century
Once upon a time, in the Pony Expresso cafe in Seattle, a man and a woman began to experience the long-mysterious but increasingly scientifically investigated thing we call love. The first stage is called "limerence." This is the spine-tingling, heart-twisting, can't-stop-staring feeling, when it seems as though the world stops whirling and time itself bows down and pauses before the force of your longing.
-Huff Post
28 août 2015
Empathy Is Actually a Choice
ONE death is a tragedy. One million is a statistic. You’ve
probably heard this saying before. It is thought to capture an
unfortunate truth about empathy: While a single crying child or injured
puppy tugs at our heartstrings, large numbers of suffering people, as in
epidemics, earthquakes and genocides, do not inspire a comparable
-NY Times
A Guide to Chinese Intelligence Operations
From government hacks to industrial theft, Chinese intelligence operations are making more headlines now than ever before.
-War on the Rocks
The United States Of Chinese Food
Wander into any town in the US, no matter how small and remote, and you’re likely to find at least one Chinese restaurant. In fact, there are more Chinese restaurants in America than McDonalds, KFC and Burger King combined. And the food they serve is completely unlike anything you'll find in China. In this episode of Gastropod, we ask one crucial question: why?
27 août 2015
The Wildest Hamptons Bondage Party
What was meant to be an exclusive, fun night of S&M in 1980 turned into something much uglier and more notorious. ‘Melonie Haller’s Lost Weekend,’ a piece I wrote for New York magazine in the summer of 1980, centered on a party in a Southampton beach house.
-The Daily Beast
26 août 2015
Where Children Around the World Sleep
Have you thought about this? Have you thought about where poor children sleep? Do they have their own room, toys and soft bed? If this didn’t come to your mind, these photos will make you question humanity and where are the organizations that should take care of these kids.
Watch What Happens to Your Luggage at the Airport
From the time the airline attendant wraps a white tag around the handle of a bag to the time your hearts swells with relief as it drops onto the carousel at your final destination, your luggage goes on quite the journey of its own.
Chevaucher le fleuve par sa houle
C’est son petit rituel et son évasion. Quatre fois par semaine, Laurence Côté enfourche son vélo pour se rendre au bord du fleuve. À ses côtés, sur un support fixé à sa bicyclette, l’accompagne son compagnon de prédilection : sa planche de surf. Car derrière le complexe Habitat 67, une vague du fleuve roule sa houle éternelle, site de prédilection pour le surf de rivière, au même titre que ceux de l’Eisbach à Munich, de la Bóbr dans le sud de la Pologne et de la Boise River Park en Idaho.
-Le Devoir
24 août 2015
Les problèmes de notre société dénoncés en 16 illustrations trash et satiriques
Beaucoup de choses dans notre monde devraient être différentes; surconsommation, dépendance aux technologies, argent, exploitation, l'illustrateur anglais nous livre un regard acerbe sur les dérives de notre triste monde moderne et de nos sociétés de consommation dans des illustrations trash et satiriques. Le dessin comme catalyseur du changement.
Camper comme en 2025 à Amsterdam
Le camping du futur pourrait sérieusement ressembler à l’Urban Campsite d’Amsterdam. L’initiative vient d’une économiste et d’une styliste hollandaises, supportée par la municipalité. Toutes deux diligentent pour la seconde fois un summer camp (de trois mois) dans lequel elles invitent artistes, architectes et urbanistes à penser des habitations «mobiles» grand public, mais pas encore tout à fait réalistes.
A Tribute To The Majestic Animals Of This World
Some of them are big, some of them are
small, some of them are friendly and some of them are downright scary.
But if there's one thing that all these animals have in common, it's that each and every one is majestic.