30 avr. 2016

7 Most Psychotic Girlfriends

Dominique Fischer: the tattooist who carved her name with a Stanley knife on her lover while he was sleeping : A man's one night stand carved her name on his body with a Stanley knife while he was asleep. Wayne Robinson's injuries at the hands of Dominique Fisher included her name carved into his upper arm. After meeting in the Syndicate nightclub in Blackpool the pair had a “drink-and-drug fuelled four-day fling.” But when he woke in the morning he found she had carved "Dominique" on his right shoulder. He also had multiple slashes on his left shoulder and arm and a star design on his back. She claimed that he agreed to the “tattoos” but Mr. Robinson said he had not consented. Wayne was so drunk he had not felt a thing. He went to the hospital for painkillers but he is stuck with the marks because he cannot afford laser treatment to remove them.