27 août 2016

20 Wise, Beautiful Oscar Wilde Quotes

10. “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

-Thought Catalog

American Restaurants of the 1950s and 1960s

-Vintage Everyday 

Summer in Staten Island in the 1980s – in pictures

Staten Island in the 1980s was working class and with a small-town feel. Photographer Christine Osinski, now a professor at The Cooper Union School of Art, captures the character of the ‘forgotten borough’ over the summers of 1983 and 1984 after moving there – kids on bikes, suburban homes and empty streets. Her rediscovered pictures are collected in a new book, Summer Days Staten Island, published by Damiani.

-The Guardian

26 août 2016

The 8 ways exercise WILL make you happier, including tackling depression and anxiety

It is an inescapable fact of life, regular exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Countless scientific studies have shown time and again the importance of physical activity in helping to prevent chronic disease, such as heart disease and various cancers. But the benefits of hitting the gym, a brisk walk in the countryside, a run or exercise class are not confined to merely our physical form. Exercise is also integral in helping to improve a person's mental health.

-Daily Mail

The Secret Life of America’s Greatest Swinger

Say you’re a guy who’d like some other guy to bed your wife. No? Well, it happens. And when it does, Dave’s the sort of man you call. He’s a demure doctor from a quiet neighborhood. But thanks to some rare talents and ubiquitous technologies, he’s also a star in the bedrooms of others—and a helpful guide to the joyful, lusty life of the truly modern hedonist.


Women Being Spanked In Vintage Comic Books

I’m back with another spanking post – and this one I kind of found interesting. Spanking in comics is actually a rather fascinating phenomena. Why? Because, once upon a time, it was all over the freaking place! The number of times you find a good spank in a comic book is something approaching infinity. There are whole blogs, forums and pages completely devoted to the comic spank. Wow!


20+ Rare Historic Photos That You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

Usually, when you read a history article or story, it's mostly just dry facts and your imagination. But a photo gives something a bit different... It shows you how something actually looked, letting you understand the historical moment more intimately. Whether it would be a historical landmark, a famous person or random photo of the past - they all have fascinating stories behind them, and we're just about to show you.

-bored panda

23 août 2016

How to see EVERY Google search you've ever made - WHAT DO YOU MEAN "DELETE BROWSER HISTORY" DOES NOTHING?

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Google has been storing every single search you've made – even those naughty ones you'd thought you'd managed to hide - and now you can go back and look at your entire search history. We're not just taking about the recent searches that pop up on your current machine either. We're talking every search you've made on every device, EVER. If you made a search while logged in with your current Gmail or Google account, it's been recorded. 
Yes, "Oh shit" indeed.

-Digital Spy

Staying single might be even better for you than getting married - For all you single ladies (and everyone else)

Despite what society might try to tell us,  being single doesn’t have to be a bad thing - in fact, for some people, it's even better than being paired up, with researchers finding that single life can impart a whole lot of benefits that marriage doesn’t. In a recent presentation to the American Psychological Association, psychologist Bella DePaulo, pointed to evidence that single people can have richer, more meaningful lives than their married counterparts.

-Science Alert

13 août 2016

Gone to the beach, see ya next week.

Cuba: un culte autour de Fidel Castro

Aux yeux des touristes, toujours plus nombreux à Cuba, son image est d'ailleurs l'une des grandes attractions du pays, uniquement concurrencée par celle d'Ernesto «Che» Guevara, l'autre icône révolutionnaire, exécuté il y a près de 49 ans en Bolivie.

Difficile pourtant de croiser par hasard Fidel Castro, retiré du pouvoir depuis dix ans et pratiquement inaccessible.
Il ne reçoit que de rares visites de personnalités dans sa maison à La Havane, que peu de personnes seraient capables de situer sur une carte

Plus rares encore sont ses apparitions publiques ou la publication de photos récentes de lui.

-La Presse

Fidel Castro: 90 ans, bon pied, mauvais oeil

L’ancien Líder máximo, qui carbure à la moringa, plante « miraculeuse », devient nonagénaire ce samedi. Malgré le passage de relais à son frère Raúl, il a toujours voix au chapitre et contribue à maintenir Cuba engluée dans un système qui ne fonctionne plus.

-Le Devoir

11 août 2016

The Day After Tomorrow: Eerie Concept Art Depicts Earth After The Apocalypse

I like to introduce you to the dark visions of Noro8 aka Norbert. He is an artist from the UK who specialises in digital art and photo manipulation, with a very special interest in post-apocalyptic wastelands. Noro8 loves designing images that focus on end-of-human-civilization scenarios with dark sci-fi elements strewn copiously. He believes society is broken and selfish and utterly brainwashed and envisage a morose future where survival is a nightmarish hell. In that sense, Nero8 serves as a kind of harbinger. His art conveys visions from his mind’s eye and they are dark and gritty and devoid of hope.

-Design you Trust

The Coolest Photos From The New York Public Library's Massive Image Dump

Last week, the New York Public Library released into the public domain 180,000 images that span centuries, subjects and styles. These are the ones that are, simply, the coolest.

The NYPL breaks down their collections into various genres based on what type of media the photo is, so for our own sanity,1 we've gone ahead and used those same subjects here.


Only half of your friends actually like you, study reveals

When you call someone a friend, it goes without saying that they too consider you a friend - you like them, they like you, it’s a reciprocal thing. 
But a recent study has found that this is probably only true about 50 percent of the time - only half of perceived friendships are actually mutual, and that’s a problem

-Science Alert

9 août 2016

What's all that masturbating doing to your body?

We know that sex gives your entire body quite the workout. But what about 'helping yourself?' Is there some benefit (or detriment) to getting down to business as a habit?

-Science Dump

Vivid Illustrations Depict Dynamic Scenes of Nature and East Asian Mythology

Shenzhen, China-based artist RLoN Wang is back with more intricate illustrations that burst with color and life. Since we last shared his work a year ago, Wang has branched out from more understated portraits of animals to vibrant illustrations jam-packed with wild beasts, mythical creatures, and motifs from nature. Rendered in a style reminiscent of Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Wang's drawings incorporate rich imagery from East Asian folklore and art, including elaborately curled clouds, giant carp, and fierce Chinese guardian lions. Overflowing with meticulous details, dynamic line art, and vivid hues, each piece demands a second or third look in order to be appreciated fully.

-My Modern Met