20 août 2019

Georgia O’Keeffe: She Lived Deliciously Alone in the Wild, Wild West

In 1934, Georgia O’Keeffe gutted the passenger seats from her A-Model Ford. It was time to make way for the only companion she needed, and wanted, out west: her art. There, in the dry heat of New Mexico, the pioneering female artist drove, hiked, and schlepped her canvases to the farthest corners of its blackened moonscapes and red dusted rocks. It was how she made love back to the landscape that had enchanted her and which seemed, for the first time, to be a place on the same wavelength of her own staunch character. It was home. Today, we’re retracing the New Mexico of O’Keeffe’s creative, independent spirit – and taking notes to inspire ourselves. Think Spartan home décor, and skulls. Dust. Naked sunbaths. An infinite sky. If you’re itching for the same energy this summer, you’re in luck – a lot of O’Keeffe’s legacy is not only visitable, but rent-able out west. Giddy up.

- Messy Nessy Chic