30 sept. 2018

15 Dark And Disturbing Pictures From Inside An American Frat House

For seven years, Andrew Moisey, a professor of art history at Cornell University, had photographed the testosterone-fueled culture surrounding fraternities in the United States. These pictures, made during the 2000s at an unnamed Greek letter organization at the University of California, Berkeley, capture an intimate, and at times disturbing, look at the environment that shapes many of tomorrow’s leaders.

- BuzzFeed News

29 sept. 2018

What We Can Learn About Consent from the Porn World

In the time of #TimesUp and #MeToo, and as the culture of holding men accountable for their abuses of power strengthens, it’s becoming apparent that beyond a simple yes or no, people do not fully understand consent or know how to have an honest conversation around it. Which is why there’s a lot to learn from the adult film world, where performers are arguably the most adept at navigating sex’s social contract.

- GQ

10 Moments In The History Of The Orgy

We tend to think we live in a time of sexual liberty, lusty debauchery, and sleazy hookups, an era of Tinder and college parties. But, in actuality, we have some pretty stiff competition when we reach back into history and look to our ancestors and the kings, queens, nobleman, military leaders, emperors, and even prehistoric humans of old. Our free and liberated ways often can’t hold a candle to the pure, unbridled sexuality of a Nero or a Caligula. 

Contrary to popular belief and assumption, orgies have actually always been popular; there really hasn’t been a time in human history where people didn’t like sex with a bunch of other people.[1] Did you know that group sex was a big thing in the 16th century? Well, it was. From Xochiquetzal, the Aztec fertility goddess, to Ishtar of ancient Babylon, humans have been sex-crazed and horny since the dawn of time, and there have certainly been orgies going on throughout the ages somewhere. Here are ten moments in the history of lusty orgies.

- Listverse

Colonel Sanders’ Picnic Playlist

Listen to the full album here, likely produced in 1966.

- YouTube

27 sept. 2018

“Food, Sex And Irony”: Superb Artworks By Enrico Robusti

What makes life worth living? “Food, sex and irony”. The renowned Italian artist Enrico Robusti knows exactly how to portray life’s pleasures and human vice in his paintings.

Robusti was born in Parma in 1956. After completing a classical studies diploma and a degree in Law, he dedicated himself to the study of the pictorial technique, with particular reference to the seventeenth century school of van Dick and Rubens.

In 1986 his first exhibition, “De rerum natura” took place in the Consigli Arte, Parma. In 1991, in the same gallery, he contributed to an exhibition of portraits, introduced by Federico Zeri. Since then he has been mainly dedicating himself to portrait painting.

- Design you Trust

Why Older People Have Always Trashed Young People

It’s partly fear, partly self-flattery, and partly delusion, and it’s been happening for thousands of years.

Ira S. Wolfe is a business consultant in Pennsylvania. A decade ago, all his clients were worried about the same thing: millennials. “Millennials at that point were mostly either teenagers or just getting out of college,” Wolfe recalls, “and they were this horrible, spoiled, rotten, narcissistic, egotistical, lazy generation. Every hiring manager and every manager in the universe was saying, ‘What are we going to do about these young kids?’”

- Medium

The Teflon Mind: How to let go of the past

Everyone tells you: “let go.” It sounds so simple, right? Yet, you can’t stop holding on to the past. A grudge, a bad experience, or a betrayal — no matter how long ago they happened, sad memories stick with us forever.

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.” — Lao Tzu

- Ladders

25 sept. 2018


Le «Petit Paul» de Bastien Vivès rappelle comment dans notre culture, le foutre reste l'alpha et l'oméga du sexe.

Si Bastien Vivès n’en a rien à foutre du qu’en-dira-t-on, il a en revanche un vrai amour pour le foutre. On connaissait déjà la passion du dessinateur et auteur de BD pour les poitrines très imposantes, voire débordantes, mises à l’honneur encore dans le récent Chemisier, mais on ignorait qu’il avait un attachement particulier pour le sperme.

- Libération

Inside the Scarface Hotel

Today, I got acquainted with The Mutiny Hotel, the early 80s cocaine-fueled Miami hotspot where the CIA partied side by side with notorious drug traffickers, celebrities and politicians. In 1969, The Mutiny Hotel opened its doors on Coconut Grove as the neighbourhood was fast becoming a mecca for cocaine kingpins. By its peak in the late seventies, the hotel was selling more Dom Pérignon than any other venue in America– even if much of it was being poured into hot tubs.

- Messy Nessy Chic

Vintage Books & Posters

“Talk To The Hand” A romantic sf novel on antisocial behavior in space.
Original title: “The Weapon Makers” by A.E. van Vogt

- TheseBooks.tumblr

23 sept. 2018

Des microbrasseurs nous chantent la pomme

La saison des pommes bat son plein, et les microbrasseurs planchent sur de nouvelles recettes en vue des semaines plus fraîches. Célébrons un des fruits emblématiques de l’automne québécois avec deux cuvées de circonstance, La Vaillante de la microbrasserie Ras l’bock et le Cid Houblonné de la Cidrerie Milton.

Pourtant, le mariage entre la pomme et le houblon, intimement associé à la fabrication de la bière, est sensé lorsqu’on le regarde par la lorgnette britannique : dans les pubs anglais, les fûts de bières côtoient naturellement les fûts de hard cider. « L’Angleterre est le plus gros marché mondial pour le cidre — chaque habitant y consomme jusqu’à 18 litres par année, alors qu’au Québec, c’est autour de 4,1 litres »

- Le Devoir

21 sept. 2018

Tsundoku: The practice of buying more books than you can read

The Japanese word describes piling up books to save for later ... even if you'll never actually read them.

"Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching towards infinity." – A. Edward Newton, author, publisher, and collector of 10,000 books.

Are you one of us? A master of tsundoku? Mine takes the shape of the aspirational stack by my bedside table – because I am going to read every night before bed, of course, and upon waking on the weekends. Hahaha. My tsundoku also takes shape in cookbooks ... even though I rarely cook from recipes. And I think I most fervently practice tsundoku when I buy three or four novels to pile in my suitcase for a five-day vacation. Sometimes not even one sees its spine cracked.

- treehugger

A Premature Attempt at the 21st Century Canon A panel of critics tells us what belongs on a list of the 100 most important books of the 2000s … so far

Why Now? Okay, assessing a century’s literary legacy after only 18 and a half years is kind of a bizarre thing to do.

Actually, constructing a canon of any kind is a little weird at the moment, when so much of how we measure cultural value is in flux. Born of the ancient battle over which stories belonged in the “canon” of the Bible, the modern literary canon took root in universities and became defined as the static product of consensus — a set of leather-bound volumes you could shoot into space to make a good first impression with the aliens. Its supposed permanence became the subject of more recent battles, back in the 20th century, between those who defended it as the foundation of Western civilization and those who attacked it as exclusive or even racist.

- Vulture

20 sept. 2018

This physicist’s ideas of time will blow your mind

Time feels real to people. But it doesn’t even exist, according to quantum physics. “There is no time variable in the fundamental equations that describe the world,” theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli tells Quartz.

If you met him socially, Rovelli wouldn’t assault you with abstractions and math to prove this point. He’d “rather not ruin a party with physics,” he says. We don’t have to understand the mechanics of the universe to go about our daily lives. But it’s good to take a step back every once in a while.

“Time is a fascinating topic because it touches our deepest emotions. Time opens up life and takes everything away. Wondering about time is wondering about the very sense of our life. This is [why] I have spent my life studying time,” Rovelli explains.

- Quartz

18 sept. 2018

The big empty

How an impossibly flat expanse of absofreakinglutely nothing inspires creativity and transformation at Burning Man.

Pushing beyond exhaustion, I’m enveloped by a fog of white dust unsettled from the flat expanse beneath my pedals. My head is wrapped in goggles and bandana – the mask de rigueur in this carnival at the edge of the known. Hitched on opposite sides of my utility belt are items of equal weight, albeit disparate utility: an aluminium corkwood water bottle and a pink toy vacuum cleaner. Suddenly, through the thick curtain of this reverie appears another rider, likewise begoggled, and blanketed in fine alkaline particulates. Encountering another self, we share an unspoken revelation: ‘…and to dust we shall return.’ 

- Aeon

S’ennuyer pour mieux créer

Nos meilleures idées surviennent souvent lorsqu’on s’y attend le moins : en se brossant les dents, en promenant le chien, en lavant la vaisselle. Des tâches pour le moins ennuyantes ! Et si l’ennui était la clé pour stimuler notre créativité ?

- Le Devoir

17 sept. 2018

Someone Wrote A Funny Guide About Bees And Wasps And You Might Learn Something New

Most of us have been there, sitting in a park or on our porch, enjoying the beautiful summer day and a refreshing cold drink, when suddenly an unidentified flying bugger approaches. Is it a bee? Is it a wasp? We’re just not sure!

Probably confused by the same notion, one internet user put together an “infographic” to help everyone out. “A Comprehensive Guide to Yellow Stripey Things” identifies 8 different kinds of flying insects and describes them in the best way. Scroll down below to see the guide yourself and tell us what you think!

- Bored Panda

15 sept. 2018

What’s Lust Got to Do With It?

Why would a woman go home with a man, decide she’s not attracted to him but have sex with him anyway? I’ve noticed a weird pattern, in fiction and life, about sexual encounters: Women decide they’re not attracted to a guy they’re nestling with. Limerence is not in the cards. But they go ahead and have sex anyhow.

- NY Times

How the US has prepared for nuclear Armageddon – in pictures

Since the days of the Truman administration, American officials have planned how to keep the government functioning during a nuclear Armageddon. Though details of the country’s post-doomsday planning are classified, evidence of their decades-long efforts – some abandoned, some active – are hidden in plain sight around Washington DC and beyond.

- The Guardian

The secret history of Mossad, Israel’s feared and respected intelligence agency

Israeli intelligence from the outset occupied a shadow realm, separate from the country’s democratic institutions. A deep state.

- NewStatesman

14 sept. 2018

A Shocking Number of Killers Murder Their Co-workers

Homicide is the third-most-prevalent cause of workplace death.

Here’s an icebreaker for the next office party: The third leading cause of workplace death—behind “falls to a lower level” and “roadway collisions with other vehicles”—is homicide.

- The Atlantic

Declassified Photos of Atomic Tests in Colour

Declassified photos from Los Alamos National Laboratory and Archived Images of Atomic tests by artists Greg Mac Gregor and Clay Lipsky. Taken at the Nevada test site in the 1950s, when the US army put mannequins within the radius of nuclear test explosions to see what would happen to them.

- photo-eye

11 sept. 2018

Kinda Cucks: The Men Who Want to Know How You‘d Have Sex with Their Wives

But guys with a ‘candaulism’ fetish only want you to look—not touch.

Do you go on Reddit and ask other men what they would do to your wife’s pussy? Do you and your wife get off on sharing photos of her to people you match with as a couple on Tinder? Do you love telling other men what you’d do to please their wives by writing erotica inspired by their photos and post it on anonymous internet forums? If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you’re into candaulism.

- Mel