21 sept. 2018
A Premature Attempt at the 21st Century Canon A panel of critics tells us what belongs on a list of the 100 most important books of the 2000s … so far
Why Now? Okay, assessing a century’s literary legacy after only 18 and a half years is kind of a bizarre thing to do.
Actually, constructing a canon of any kind is a little weird at the moment, when so much of how we measure cultural value is in flux. Born of the ancient battle over which stories belonged in the “canon” of the Bible, the modern literary canon took root in universities and became defined as the static product of consensus — a set of leather-bound volumes you could shoot into space to make a good first impression with the aliens. Its supposed permanence became the subject of more recent battles, back in the 20th century, between those who defended it as the foundation of Western civilization and those who attacked it as exclusive or even racist.
- Vulture